Training around human trafficking for *NON-CLINICAL FRONT-FACING* staff
Dear Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust,
• Is there training provided to NON-CLINICAL FRONT-FACING staff about human trafficking and modern slavery in your Trust?
• If training is delivered in your Trust, which staff receive or are eligible to receive this training? Is the training compulsory and how is attendance / completion measured? What format does this training take (e.g. e-learning, face-to-face, etc.)? How long does the training take to complete?
• If there is no training in your Trust, is human trafficking incorporated into a safeguarding training programme or policy? If it is part of a safeguarding programme, does that programme also include a section on the Prevent policy?
• For either stand-alone training or training which is incorporated into a safeguarding programme or policy (please specify which): Are staff trained in potential clinical indicators for human trafficking victims? Are staff trained in who to refer a potential human trafficking case to? Are staff trained on the questions to ask to ascertain whether a patient is a victim of human trafficking? How often is the training completed?
Yours faithfully,
Ruth Atkinson
Please see attached acknowledgement of your request.
Diana Paul
Personal Assistant to:
John Harrop Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Strategy
Sam Simpson Director of Finance
Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust
Chorlton House
70 Manchester Road
Manchester, M21 9UN
Tel: 0161 882 1381
Fax: 0161 882 1090
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Please see attached response to your enquiry.
Diana Paul
Personal Assistant to:
John Harrop Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Strategy
Sam Simpson Director of Finance
Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust
Chorlton House
70 Manchester Road
Manchester, M21 9UN
Tel: 0161 882 1381
Fax: 0161 882 1090
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Dear Diana,
Thank you for this. As I understand your response, the trust's staff receive training on human trafficking via the intranet safeguarding resource only. Can I confirm:
- Is such training mandatory?
- Is there any way of finding out how many of the staff have completed such training?
- Unfortunately, my computer wouldn't let me open the link you sent, so would it be possible to send it as a screenshot or, if not, answer my final four questions about the content of the training?
Thank you for your assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Ruth Atkinson
Dear Ruth
Would you please let me know which link you are unable to open so I can look into it for you.
With regard to the first two questions, these were not on your original request therefore a new FOI will be required, please confirm if you want to proceed with this.
Diana Paul
Personal Assistant to:
John Harrop Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Strategy
Sam Simpson Directior of Finance
Tel: 0161 882 1381
Fax: 0161 882 1090
Dear Diana,
I did ask in my original request if training was mandatory, and if so, how completion/attendance is measured. So if you could just answer those questions within the original timeframe, that would be great.
Links that I cannot open:
I would really appreciate if you could send a screenshot of those pages.
Thank you for your assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Ruth Atkinson
Dear Ruth
I have re-read your original request and our response and I believe we have answered your question relating to mandatory training in relation to human trafficking and modern slavery in that the Trust does not provide this training and therefore we are unable to provide the information which you are requesting.
I have also attached the Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy which the first link refers to and a screen shot of the second link you were unable to open.
I hope this clarifies your questions raised.
Many thanks
Diana Paul
Personal Assistant to:
John Harrop Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Strategy
Sam Simpson Director of Finance
Tel: 0161 882 1381
Fax: 0161 882 1090
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