Training and Learning

The request was successful.

Dear Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service,

1. Please confirm the name(s) and provider(s) of the elearning platform(s) used by your staff to facilitate training and learning needs

2. Please confirm the proportion of courses delivered online versus offline during 2016

3. Please confirm your current completion rate across your organisation of all online training

4. Please provide a copy of your learning and development department (or whichever department is responsible for this) policies and procedures on staff requirements to complete online and offline learning.

Yours faithfully,

G. Harrison

Governance - Cafcass, Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service

1 Attachment

Dear Sir or Madam,


Thank you for your email.  Please accept this as a formal acknowledgement
of your Freedom of Information request received on 27 April 2017. Your
reference number is CAF 17-41.


We aim to respond to you promptly, and at the latest 20 working days from
receipt of your request. You will therefore receive a response on or
before 25 May 2017.


Kind regards,


Governance Team | Cafcass

* [1][CAFCASS request email] | ü [2] 








Visible links
1. mailto:[CAFCASS request email]

Governance - Cafcass, Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service

3 Attachments

Dear G Harrison,


Thank you for your email. Please find attached our response to your
Freedom of Information request.


Kind regards,


Governance Team | Cafcass

* [1][CAFCASS request email] | ü [2] 






Visible links
1. mailto:[CAFCASS request email]

Dear Governance - Cafcass,

Thank you for a very comprehensive reply. I am grateful that you took the time to find the information I requested along with some helpful links to other public documents to support your reply and disclosures.

Regarding the completion data which you have supplied which I would be grateful if you could clarify the following for me?

1. In the spreadsheet of online course completions which you have supplied you list a number of completions alongside each "topic" or "subject". Is this number representative of the number of people who have completed this particular piece of training, or is it a total of completions and could represent the same person completing the same learning more than once?

For example, I notice that there are only 46 completions of your Equalities and Diversity eLearning (on row 26) whilst the row below (row 27) marked Expense Reimbursement Policy shows 1,316 completions so I'm curious if the numbers represent people or multiple completions.

2. Could you also confirm the source of that spreadsheet - for example, did you do a simple export report from your Totara system or did you obtain and collate the data from a different source?

I appreciate your help with this.

many thanks

Yours sincerely,

G. Harrison

Governance - Cafcass, Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service

Dear Mr Harrison,

Thank you for your email. We have enclosed answers to your questions below:

1. The data is for the number of completions of each learning module rather than the number of people completing each module.
2. The data spreadsheet was exported from Totara.

Kind regards,

Governance Team | Cafcass
G [CAFCASS request email] |  


show quoted sections

Dear Governance - Cafcass,

Thank you for your confirmation.

Would you please provide a report from Totara that shows the numbers of employees who have completed each of the courses on that system?

many thanks, I appreciate your help

Yours sincerely,

G. Harrison

Governance - Cafcass, Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service

2 Attachments

Dear G Harrison,


Thank you for your email.


Please find attached a spreadsheet containing the number of employees who
have completed each eLearning module on MySkills.


Kind regards,


Governance Team | Cafcass

* [1][CAFCASS request email] | ü [2] 





show quoted sections