Trainee teacher NQT data request.

The request was successful.

Dear South Staffordshire College,

I am writing to make an Open Government request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In order to assist you with this request, I am outlining my query as specifically as possible. If, however, this request is too wide or unclear, I would be grateful if you could contact me as I understand that under the Act, you are required to advise and assist those who request information from you.

Firstly, from your most recent complete cohort data, how many teacher trainees successfully completed their training?

Secondly, how many of those same trainees were on an NQT placement at the end of their training, compared with how many were not employed (by a school full time) at the end of their training.

Lastly, How many of those same trainees were employed through a supply agency?

I understand that under the Act, I am entitled to a response within 20 working days. I would be grateful if you could confirm by email that you have received this request. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Yours faithfully,

Luke Jacobs

Jamie Smith, South Staffordshire College

Just a note to confirm receipt of your request which is now under
Best regards

Jamie E. Smith

Director – Strategy & Infrastructure

South Staffordshire College

Email – [1][email address]

T – 01785 710502

M – 07974 380471

Twitter - [2] 

Facebook – [3]


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Jamie Smith, South Staffordshire College

Further to your recent FOI request I am pleased to provide the following
17 people completed their Cert Ed/PGCE qualification in 2015/16.
As the qualification is an 'in service' qualification , all 17 were
working within the post compulsory sector as teachers/trainers at the end
of their programme.  
Of the 17 people who completed, 2 were undertaking the programme by
completing voluntary teaching hours.
The programme is different to the pre service training for schools and so
trainees do not complete an NQT year.
Hope this information is helpful,
Best regards

Jamie E. Smith

Director – Strategy & Infrastructure

South Staffordshire College

Email – [1][email address]

T – 01785 710502

M – 07974 380471

Twitter - [2] 

Facebook – [3]


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