Traffic Regulation Order - Zig Zag - Schools
Dear City of Edinburgh Council,
Freedom of Information request - Traffic Regulation Order - Zig Zag - Schools
I would like to know the number of Traffic Regulation Orders in place within the City of Edinburgh Council area that allows parking on zig zags outside schools to be dealt with by means of a fine
I would like to know where these Traffic Regulation Orders are in place (street names / relevant schools)
Yours faithfully,
Mr A. Ferris
Yours faithfully,
Mr A. Ferris
Mr A. Ferris
Our ref: 23182
Dear Mr Ferris
Acknowledgement of Request
Subject: Traffic Regulation Order - Zig Zag - Schools
Thank you for your request for information received on 17/04/2019. I can confirm that your request will be processed under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, Environmental Information Regulations (Scotland) 2004, or the INSPIRE (Scotland) Regulations 2009.
You will receive the information requested within 20 working days unless the Council does not hold the information, or there is a reason for it to be withheld. We will write to you in any event. This means we have until 17/05/2019 to respond to your request.
In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case we will let you know.
If you have any requirements regarding the format any information should be supplied in, e.g. the language to be used, audio, large print and so on, then please let me know.
If you have any queries or concerns, do not hesitate to get in touch. Please quote the reference number above in any future communications.
To promote transparency and accountability, please note it is the Council’s policy to publish all request details and responses made under the freedom of information legislation. This information will be made available through the Council’s website and will not include your personal details. The disclosure log is available at the following link:
Further information about your rights and accessing information is available on our website at:
Yours sincerely,
Information Governance Unit
Level 2:1, Waverley Court, Edinburgh EH8 8BG Tel 0131 200 2340
[Edinburgh City Council request email]
Mr A. Ferris
[1][FOI #569080 email]
Our ref: 23182
Dear Mr Ferris
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - Release of Information
Subject: Traffic Regulation Order - Zig Zag - Schools
Thank you for your request for information of 17/04/2019 where you asked
the following:
I would like to know the number of Traffic Regulation Orders in place
within the City of Edinburgh Council area that allows parking on zig zags
outside schools to be dealt with by means of a fine.
I would like to know where these Traffic Regulation Orders are in place
(street names / relevant schools)
Your request has been processed and considered under the Freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and the information is provided below.
There is currently a total of 140 enforceable school clear markings in
place. Please find below a list of the locations.
|No.|Street name |Relevant school |
|1 |Abbeyhill |Abbeyhill Primary School |
|2 |Annfield |Victoria Primary School |
|3 |Ashburnham Road |Queensferry High School |
|4 |Ashley Grove |Craiglockhart Primary School |
|5 |Baberton Mains Wynd |Juniper Green Primary School |
|6 |Balgreen Road |Balgreen Primary School |
|7 |Beach Lane |Towerbank Primary School |
|8 |Bellevue Road |Broughton Primary School |
|9 |Bonaly Brae |Bonaly Primary School |
|10 |Bonaly Road x2 |Bonaly Primary School |
|11 |Bonnington Road |Parkside Primary School |
|12 |Boswall Parkway x2 |Granton Primary School |
|13 |Bridge Road |Balerno High School |
|14 |Broomhouse Crescent |St. Joseph’s R.C./Broomhouse Primary |
| | |School |
|15 |Buckstone Loan East |Buckstone Primary School |
|16 |Burgess Road x3 |Queensferry Primary School |
|17 |Canaan Lane |St Peter’s R.C. Primary School |
|18 |Carlowrie Avenue |Dalmeny Primary School and Nursery |
|19 |Carlowrie Crescent |Dalmeny Primary School and Nursery |
|20 |Cathcart Place |Dalry Primary School |
|21 |Chalmers Street |St Thomas Of Aquin’s RC High School |
|22 |Colinton Road |George Watson’s College |
|23 |Coltbridge Terrace x3 |The Montessori Nursery School |
|24 |Craigcrook Road x2 |Blackhall Primary School |
|25 |Craighall Avenue x2 |Trinity Academy |
|26 |Craighall Road x3 |Trinity Academy |
|27 |Craighall Road |Holy Cross Catholic Primary School |
|28 |Craighall Terrace |Holy Cross Catholic Primary School |
|29 |Craiglea Drive |South Morningside Primary School |
|30 |Craigleith Rise |The Mary Erskine School |
|31 |Craigmillar Castle Avenue|Castleview Primary School |
|32 |Craigmount Brae |East Craigs Primary School |
|33 |Craig’s Road |Craigmount High School |
|34 |Cramond Bank |Cramond Primary School |
|35 |Cramond Crescent |Cramond Primary School |
|36 |Crarae Avenue |St George’s School for Girls |
|37 |Curriehill Road x2 |Currie Primary School |
|38 |Dolphin Gardens East |Woodlands School |
|39 |Duddingston Road |Duddingston Primary School |
|40 |Duddingston Road |Portobello High School |
|41 |Dumbryden Drive |Dumbryden Primary School (Since demolished|
| | |however markings are still in place here.)|
|42 |Duncan Place x4 |Leith Primary School |
|43 |East Preston Street |Preston Street Primary School |
|44 |East Suffolk Road x2 |St Margaret’s School (no longer exists) |
|45 |Falcon Road |St Peter’s RC Primary School |
|46 |Firhill Crescent |Oxgangs Primary School |
|47 |Gamekeeper’s Road |Cargilfield School |
|48 |Gilmerton Road |Liberton Primary School |
|49 |Glenvarloch Crescent x2 |St John Vianney RC Primary School |
|50 |Groathill Road North |Ferryhill Primary School |
|51 |Hamilton Terrace x2 |St John’s RC Primary School |
|52 |Hamilton Drive West |Duddingston Primary School |
|53 |Hermitage Park |Hermitage Park Primary School |
|54 |Hutchinson Crossway |St Cuthbert’s RC Primary School |
|55 |Ivanhoe Crescent |St John Vianney RC Primary School |
|56 |Lampacre Road x2 |Carrick Knowe Primary School |
|57 |Lasswade Road |Kaimes School/Gracemount High School |
|58 |Links Gardens |St Mary’s (Leith) RC Primary School |
|59 |Lorne Street |Lorne Primary School |
|60 |Magdalene Drive |Brunstane Primary School |
|61 |Marchbank Gardens |Dean Park Primary School |
|62 |McLeod Street x2 |Tynecastle High School |
|63 |Meadowfield Drive x2 |Parsons Green Primary School |
|64 |Montpelier x2 |Bruntsfield Primary School/St Oswald’s |
| | |Hall |
|65 |Moredun Dykes Road |Gilmerton Primary School |
|66 |Moredun Park Road |Craigour Park Primary School |
|67 |Moredun Park Street |Craigour Park Primary School |
|68 |Mount Vernon Road |Liberton Nursery School |
|69 |Muirhouse Place West x3 |Craigroyston Primary School |
|70 |Murrayburn Drive |Wester Hailes Education Centre |
|71 |Northfield Broadway x2 |Royal High Primary School |
|72 |Oxgangs Road North x3 |Oxgangs Primary School/ Braidburn School |
|73 |Oxgangs Road North |St. Mark’s Primary School |
|74 |Paisley Drive |Parsons Green Primary School |
|75 |Parkgrove Street |Clermiston Primary School |
|76 |Pentland View Road |Kirkliston Primary School |
|77 |Prestonfield Road x2 |Prestonfield Primary School |
|78 |Queensferry Terrace |ESMS Junior School |
|79 |Redford Place |Colinton Primary School |
|80 |Redhall Grove x2 |Redhall School/Longstone Primary School |
|81 |Restalrig Drive |St. Ninian’s RC Primary School |
|82 |Restalrig Road South |St. Ninian’s RC Primary School |
|83 |Roseburn Avenue |Roseburn Primary School |
|84 |Roseburn Street |Roseburn Primary School |
|85 |Saughton Mains Street |Stenhouse Primary School |
|86 |Saughton Road |St Joseph’s RC/Broomhouse Primary School |
|87 |Sciennes Road x2 |Sciennes Primary School |
|88 |Sighthill Gardens |Murrayburn Primary School |
|89 |Sighthill Loan |Murrayburn Primary School |
|90 |South Gyle Road |Gylemuir Primary School |
|91 |Spylaw Road |Edinburgh Steiner School |
|92 |Station Road x2 |St Margaret’s RC Primary School |
|93 |Stevenson Drive |Stenhouse Primary School |
|94 |The Loan |Central Scotland Ballet School |
|95 |Thomson Crescent x3 |Nether Currie Primary School |
|96 |Wardieburn Street East |Granton Primary School |
|97 |Wardieburn Street West |Granton Primary School |
|98 |West Pilton Bank |St David’s RC Primary School |
|99 |West Pilton Crescent x4 |St David’s RC Primary School |
|100|West Pilton Place |Forthview Primary School |
|101|Wester Drylaw Avenue |Ferryhill Primary School |
|102|Wester Broom Place |Gylemuir Primary School |
|103|West Montgomery Place |Leith Walk Primary School |
|104|Whitehill Street |Newcraighall Primary/Regius School |
|105|Whitehouse Road |Bright Horizons Early Learning and |
| | |Childcare |
To promote transparency and accountability, please note it is the
Council’s policy to publish all request details and responses made under
the freedom of information legislation. This information will be made
available through the Council’s website and will not include your personal
details. The disclosure log is available at the following link:
Your right to seek a review
If you are unhappy with the way we have dealt with your request, you can
ask us to review our actions and decisions by writing to the:
Head of Strategy & Insight
The City of Edinburgh Council
Waverley Court Business Centre 2:1
4, East Market Street
EH8 8BG or,
Email: [email address]
Please note that your request must be in a recordable format (email,
letter, audio tape etc.), and that you have 40 working days upon receipt
of this letter to ask for a review. You will receive a full response to
your review request within 20 working days of its receipt. Please quote
the reference number above in any future communications.
If you are not content with the outcome of the review, you can ask the
Scottish Information Commissioner to review our decision. You must submit
your complaint to the Commissioner within 6 months of receiving our review
response. The Commissioner can be contacted at:
The Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner
Kinburn Castle
Doubledykes Road
St Andrews
KY16 9DS
Telephone: 01334 464610
Fax: 01334 464611
Email: [email address]
Yours sincerely,
Iain Burden
Information Rights Officer
Information Governance Unit
Level 2:1, Waverley Court, Edinburgh EH8 8BG Tel 0131 200 2340
[Edinburgh City Council request email]
Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #569080 email]
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