Track gradient profile for Nottingham - Matlock via Derby
Dear Network Rail Limited,
Please may i have the gradient profile for the following route, Nottingham - Matlock via Derby
I would like information on
-The length of each individual gradient.
-The start and finish distance of each gradient from Nottingham - Matlock via derby
-Whether the gradient is rising or falling
-The inclination of each gradient in 1 in *** or %.
Yours faithfully,
Richard Edwards
Dear Mr Edwards
Reference number: FOI2017/01330
Information request
Your correspondence was received by Network Rail on 8 November 2017. I can
confirm that your request is being processed under the terms of the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). I will endeavour to respond to you as
soon as possible and in any event by 7 December 2017.
On occasion we may need to consult with third parties about requests, in
line with the recommendations in the Code of Practice issued by the then
Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs.
If you have any queries please contact me.
Please remember to quote your reference number in all future
Yours sincerely
Emma Wolstenholme
Information Officer
Freedom of Information Team
The Quadrant
Elder Gate
Milton Keynes
Telephone: 01908 782405
Email: [1][Network Rail request email]
Web: [2]
Visible links
1. mailto:[Network Rail request email]
Reference number: FOI2017/01330
Dear Mr Edwards
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.
If you have any queries please contact me.
Yours sincerely
Emma Wolstenholme
Information Officer
Freedom of Information Team
The Quadrant
Elder Gate
Milton Keynes
Telephone: 01908 782405
Email: [1][Network Rail request email]
Web: [2]
Visible links
1. mailto:[Network Rail request email]
Dear FOI, Thanks for your reply. Can I ask what ther distant Distance lengths are in, on colum E. Are they in Yards, Metres or something else?
Yours sincerely,
Richard Edwards
Dear Mr Edwards
Thank you for your email. I have made contact with the department who originally supplied the information, and hope to be able to confirm this for you at some point next week.
I hope this is helpful.
Yours sincerely
Emma Wolstenholme
Information Officer
Freedom of Information Team
The Quadrant
Elder Gate
Milton Keynes
Telephone: 01908 782405
Email: [Network Rail request email]
Dear Mr Edwards
Further to my email of Friday 1st December, I am now in a position to confirm the unit measurements used as you requested:
Columns E and F (STARTMILES and FINISHMILES) are in format Miles.Yards- please note that these are not decimal yards. By way of example, 123.0567 is 123 miles, 567 yards.
Columns J,K and L (Distance_Length, StartDistance, EndDistance) are all recorded in metres.
I hope this is helpful to you and sufficiently answers your query.
Yours sincerely
Emma Wolstenholme
Information Officer
Freedom of Information Team
The Quadrant
Elder Gate
Milton Keynes
Telephone: 01908 782405
Email: [Network Rail request email]
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