We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Paulette Manning please sign in and let everyone know.

TQFE Qualification Information

We're waiting for Paulette Manning to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear West College Scotland,

Under the terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, I am writing to formally request the following information.

1. Please provide the FTE equivalent number of teaching lecturing staff employed by your college year on year since merger?

2. Please advise the accurate number of teaching/lecturing staff that hold/passed a TQFE qualification, year on year since merger?

3. Please advise the accurate number of teaching/lecturing staff who do NOT hold a TQFE qualification year on year since merger.

4. Please advise how many teaching/lecturing staff are currently undertaking a TQFE qualification for AY 2016/17.

5. Please advise how many members of teaching/lecturing staff who do not hold this TQFE qualification are offered to be sponsored by your college to achieve this qualification per annum?

6. Please advise year on year since merger how many teaching/lecturing staff sponsored by your college have passed the TQFE Qualification?

7. Please advise year on year since merger how many teaching/lecturing staff have dropped out/failed the TQFE qualification that has been sponsored by your college?

8. Please advise the total annual cost of sponsoring teaching/lecturing staff to undertake the TQFE qualification year on year since merger.

9. Please provide any code, policy or guidance related to CIPD provided by your college for putting lecturing staff through TQFE.

Please provide details in a format suitable to yourselves.

I understand that you are required to respond to my request within the 20 working days after you receive this letter.

I would be grateful if you could confirm in writing that you have received this request.

Yours faithfully,

Paulette Manning

FOI, West College Scotland

1 Attachment

Hi Paulette,
Please find enclosed West College Scotland's response to your recent FOI request.
Kind regards

Karen Combe HR Manager
T +44(0)141 581 2228

Paisley Campus
Renfrew Road
Paisley PA3 4DR
T +44(0)300 600 6060

show quoted sections

Karen Combe, West College Scotland

1 Attachment




Karen Combe, West College Scotland

2 Attachments

Hi Paulette,
Please find enclosed West College Scotland's response to your recent FOI
Kind regards



Karen Combe HR Manager

T +44(0)141 581 2228




Paisley Campus

Renfrew Road

Paisley PA3 4DR


T +44(0)300 600 6060








Visible links
2. http://www.westcollegescotland.ac.uk/

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Paulette Manning please sign in and let everyone know.