Town Development oversight

The request was successful.

Brenda Wilkinson

Dear Leighton - Linslade Town Council,

Please supply the following information from 2007 to date:

1. Copies of all/any annual monitoring reports on Big Plan 1 and Big Plan 2.

2. Copies of any information on targets and performance indicators for the purpose of monitoring progress on both versions of the Big Plan.

3. Whether the Council has compiled relevant data for the town on the following performance indicators and, if so, how this information can be accessed i.e. in published reports or internal information available on request.

population; housing numbers (built and/or committed); housing tenure; housing type; numbers of local jobs; type of local jobs (business/institutional/other); hectares of employment land including inner town office space; vacancy rates for this land; footfall in the town centre; numbers of market traders; mix of retail provision; numbers of tourist visitors; numbers of out-commuters; destination of out-commuters; numbers of train commuters; numbers of bus-users; numbers of cyclists; numbers of cars using the town 'corridor' road between Leighton & Linslade at a) commuter times; b)'school run' times; and c) weekends; any collated school travel plan data for numbers of car journeys to schools; school roll numbers; further/vocational education places; community education provision; numbers registered with doctors and dentists; crime numbers for anti-social behaviour, drug related offences, violent incidents in the town centre; users of sports & leisure facilities; ha of land acquired by the Council/partner groups for green infrastructure; square metres of accessible community space.

N.B This is a long list and I am not asking for the actual data at this stage, simply whether it is collected/obtained and so held within the Town Council offices for the purpose of town development oversight purposes.

4. A list of development related committee/group meetings with CBC and/or other organisations that are attended by councillors and/or councillor officers for which information is not provided on the Town Council's website.

I trust that I have worded this request in such a way as to enable the Town Council to provide straightforward responses within cost timescales.

Your sincerely

Brenda Wilkinson

Brenda Wilkinson

Dear Leighton - Linslade Town Council,

Please ensure that send your acknowledgement of my FOIA request to the website so that it can be properly recorded and also please send your response to this website as well.

Others are monitoring this request and will wish to know the progress and the resulting response.

Yours sincerely,

Brenda Wilkinson

Debbie Marsh, Leighton - Linslade Town Council

22 August 2012

Dear Mrs Wilkinson


I write with reference to your email dated 24 July 2012.

I have attached relevant information regarding point 1 and 2 of
your request.

With regard to point 3, data was collected but I cannot guarantee
this information is still available.

The following is a list of development related committee/group
meetings with CBC and/or other organisations that are or have been
attended by Councillors and/or Council Officers, minutes for some
of these meetings i.e. Bedfordshire Planning Consortium are
available on the website and attached to Agendas of Committee
meetings. This listing of meetings is what we can recall over the
past few years and may not be exhaustive. Town Councillors may have
met with Central Bedfordshire Officers or Central Bedfordshire
Councillors regarding development related issues of which Town
Council Officers are not made aware.

• Partnership – pre meeting • Placemaking • Ouzel Valley • Minerals
• Sandpit project • Bedfordshire Planning Consortium • Astral Park
Development • Sandhills exemplar project • S106 meetings •
Children’s trail • Play areas Sandhills • Town Centre redevelopment
• Rushmere Parishes • Highways • Land acquisitions • Riverside
Centre • Tiddenfoot/Linslade Woods Master plan • Bossard
House/Central Bedfordshire Council Customer Service Centre •
Cycling projects • Pages Field • Conservation Officer (CBC) •
Building Control (CBC) • Chief Executive and Senior Management
Officers (CBC) • CIL/Planning Training/Town and Parish Council
conferences • P3 (People, Projects, Partnership) – footpaths,
rights of way, hedgerows etc. • Local Parishes • Station Travel
Plan • Public presentations and briefings

As you have already recognised in previous correspondence to me
that you are mindful of the staffing resources and the amount of
Officer time it takes in collating information you require. I
wonder, therefore, if it would be helpful prior to you submitting
any further FOI requests that we meet so that I can fully
understand the basis of your enquires.

This will enable me to focus and research more specifically to meet
your needs and to allow me to respond more efficiently.

Yours sincerely


Debbie Marsh, Leighton - Linslade Town Council

1 Attachment


Dear Debbie Marsh,

Thank you for your response. However I am unable to open the zip file and would be glad if you could send again in Word/PDF format.

Yours sincerely,

Brenda Wilkinson

Debbie Marsh, Leighton - Linslade Town Council

1 Attachment

Dear Brenda

Can you try again via this email rather than via the website?

If no luck then I will send as requested however there will be a few
emails being sent to you due to the size of the attachments.

Corporate Governance Manager

Leighton-Linslade Town Council
Direct Line: 01525 631918
Reception: 01525 631920

Quality Council Status awarded 2009

Leighton-Linslade Town Council
The White House, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7

The information in this email is confidential and may also be
privileged. If you are not the intended recipient please notify us
immediately by phoning 01525 631920. You should not copy it or use it
for any purpose nor disclose its contents to any other person. Although
this email and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus, or
any other defect which might affect any computer or IT system into which
they are received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient
to ensure that they are virus free and no responsibility is accepted by
Leighton - Linslade Town Council for any loss or damage arising in any
way from receipt or use thereof.

show quoted sections

Debbie Marsh, Leighton - Linslade Town Council

8 Attachments

1st email
Corporate Governance Manager
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
Direct Line: 01525 631918
Reception: 01525 631920
Quality Council Status awarded 2009
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
The White House, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire
LU7 1HD  

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If you are not the intended recipient please notify us immediately by
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which might affect any computer or IT system into which they are received
and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they
are virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Leighton - Linslade
Town Council for any loss or damage arising in any way from receipt or use



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Debbie Marsh, Leighton - Linslade Town Council

7 Attachments

2nd email
Debbie Marsh
Corporate Governance Manager
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
Direct Line: 01525 631918
Reception: 01525 631920
Quality Council Status awarded 2009
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
The White House, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire
LU7 1HD  

The information in this email is confidential and may also be privileged.
If you are not the intended recipient please notify us immediately by
phoning 01525 631920. You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor
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attachments are believed to be free of any virus, or any other defect
which might affect any computer or IT system into which they are received
and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they
are virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Leighton - Linslade
Town Council for any loss or damage arising in any way from receipt or use



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Debbie Marsh, Leighton - Linslade Town Council

12 Attachments

Debbie Marsh
Corporate Governance Manager
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
Direct Line: 01525 631918
Reception: 01525 631920
Quality Council Status awarded 2009
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
The White House, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire
LU7 1HD  

The information in this email is confidential and may also be privileged.
If you are not the intended recipient please notify us immediately by
phoning 01525 631920. You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor
disclose its contents to any other person. Although this email and any
attachments are believed to be free of any virus, or any other defect
which might affect any computer or IT system into which they are received
and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they
are virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Leighton - Linslade
Town Council for any loss or damage arising in any way from receipt or use



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Debbie Marsh, Leighton - Linslade Town Council

7 Attachments

Debbie Marsh
Corporate Governance Manager
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
Direct Line: 01525 631918
Reception: 01525 631920
Quality Council Status awarded 2009
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
The White House, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire
LU7 1HD  

The information in this email is confidential and may also be privileged.
If you are not the intended recipient please notify us immediately by
phoning 01525 631920. You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor
disclose its contents to any other person. Although this email and any
attachments are believed to be free of any virus, or any other defect
which might affect any computer or IT system into which they are received
and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they
are virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Leighton - Linslade
Town Council for any loss or damage arising in any way from receipt or use



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Debbie Marsh, Leighton - Linslade Town Council

8 Attachments

Debbie Marsh
Corporate Governance Manager
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
Direct Line: 01525 631918
Reception: 01525 631920
Quality Council Status awarded 2009
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
The White House, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire
LU7 1HD  

The information in this email is confidential and may also be privileged.
If you are not the intended recipient please notify us immediately by
phoning 01525 631920. You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor
disclose its contents to any other person. Although this email and any
attachments are believed to be free of any virus, or any other defect
which might affect any computer or IT system into which they are received
and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they
are virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Leighton - Linslade
Town Council for any loss or damage arising in any way from receipt or use



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Debbie Marsh, Leighton - Linslade Town Council

12 Attachments

Debbie Marsh
Corporate Governance Manager
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
Direct Line: 01525 631918
Reception: 01525 631920
Quality Council Status awarded 2009
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
The White House, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire
LU7 1HD  

The information in this email is confidential and may also be privileged.
If you are not the intended recipient please notify us immediately by
phoning 01525 631920. You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor
disclose its contents to any other person. Although this email and any
attachments are believed to be free of any virus, or any other defect
which might affect any computer or IT system into which they are received
and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they
are virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Leighton - Linslade
Town Council for any loss or damage arising in any way from receipt or use



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Debbie Marsh, Leighton - Linslade Town Council

6 Attachments

Debbie Marsh
Corporate Governance Manager
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
Direct Line: 01525 631918
Reception: 01525 631920
Quality Council Status awarded 2009
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
The White House, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire
LU7 1HD  

The information in this email is confidential and may also be privileged.
If you are not the intended recipient please notify us immediately by
phoning 01525 631920. You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor
disclose its contents to any other person. Although this email and any
attachments are believed to be free of any virus, or any other defect
which might affect any computer or IT system into which they are received
and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they
are virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Leighton - Linslade
Town Council for any loss or damage arising in any way from receipt or use



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Debbie Marsh, Leighton - Linslade Town Council

3 Attachments

Debbie Marsh
Corporate Governance Manager
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
Direct Line: 01525 631918
Reception: 01525 631920
Quality Council Status awarded 2009
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
The White House, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire
LU7 1HD  

The information in this email is confidential and may also be privileged.
If you are not the intended recipient please notify us immediately by
phoning 01525 631920. You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor
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which might affect any computer or IT system into which they are received
and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they
are virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Leighton - Linslade
Town Council for any loss or damage arising in any way from receipt or use



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Debbie Marsh, Leighton - Linslade Town Council

1 Attachment

Debbie Marsh
Corporate Governance Manager
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
Direct Line: 01525 631918
Reception: 01525 631920
Quality Council Status awarded 2009
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
The White House, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire
LU7 1HD  

The information in this email is confidential and may also be privileged.
If you are not the intended recipient please notify us immediately by
phoning 01525 631920. You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor
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which might affect any computer or IT system into which they are received
and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they
are virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Leighton - Linslade
Town Council for any loss or damage arising in any way from receipt or use



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Debbie Marsh, Leighton - Linslade Town Council

1 Attachment

Debbie Marsh
Corporate Governance Manager
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
Direct Line: 01525 631918
Reception: 01525 631920
Quality Council Status awarded 2009
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
The White House, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire
LU7 1HD  

The information in this email is confidential and may also be privileged.
If you are not the intended recipient please notify us immediately by
phoning 01525 631920. You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor
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and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they
are virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Leighton - Linslade
Town Council for any loss or damage arising in any way from receipt or use



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Debbie Marsh, Leighton - Linslade Town Council

1 Attachment

Debbie Marsh
Corporate Governance Manager
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
Direct Line: 01525 631918
Reception: 01525 631920
Quality Council Status awarded 2009
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
The White House, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire
LU7 1HD  

The information in this email is confidential and may also be privileged.
If you are not the intended recipient please notify us immediately by
phoning 01525 631920. You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor
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and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they
are virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Leighton - Linslade
Town Council for any loss or damage arising in any way from receipt or use



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Debbie Marsh, Leighton - Linslade Town Council

3 Attachments

Debbie Marsh
Corporate Governance Manager
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
Direct Line: 01525 631918
Reception: 01525 631920
Quality Council Status awarded 2009
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
The White House, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire
LU7 1HD  

The information in this email is confidential and may also be privileged.
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and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they
are virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Leighton - Linslade
Town Council for any loss or damage arising in any way from receipt or use



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Debbie Marsh, Leighton - Linslade Town Council

3 Attachments

Debbie Marsh
Corporate Governance Manager
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
Direct Line: 01525 631918
Reception: 01525 631920
Quality Council Status awarded 2009
Leighton-Linslade Town Council
The White House, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire
LU7 1HD  

The information in this email is confidential and may also be privileged.
If you are not the intended recipient please notify us immediately by
phoning 01525 631920. You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor
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which might affect any computer or IT system into which they are received
and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they
are virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Leighton - Linslade
Town Council for any loss or damage arising in any way from receipt or use



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Dear Debbie Marsh

On 15 July, I sent the following request for information:

1. Copies of all/any annual monitoring reports on Big Plan 1 and Big Plan 2.

2. Copies of any information on targets and performance indicators for the purpose of monitoring progress on both versions of the Big Plan.

3. Whether the Council has compiled relevant data for the town on the following performance indicators and, if so, how this information can be accessed i.e. in published reports or internal information available on request…. followed by a list of data that is relevant to infrastructure planning (in order to make clear what type of data I consider to be relevant).

In response, you have sent a total of 70 separate documents. Having scanned the first 15 of these documents, it is clear that you have not provided an appropriate response to a request for ANNUAL monitoring reports; TARGETS and PERFORMANCE INDICATORS; and data COMPILED by the Town Council.

You have also said that “it would be helpful prior to you submitting any further FOI requests that we meet so that I can fully understand the basis of your enquires.” I point out that there is provision under the FOIA for you to seek clarification prior to formal acknowledgement of a request under the Act.

Yours sincerely

Brenda Wilkinson

Debbie Marsh, Leighton - Linslade Town Council

6 Attachments

Dear Brenda Wilkinson

The documents I sent were not in any particular order. In addition I am sending all the Town Plan/ref documents, that I can find. Within the documents I sent previously were all the Infrastructure Matrix Progress documents and action plan updates, also previously sent were all the minutes (monitoring of Big Plan) of the Town Development Committee, Partnership Committee and Big Plan II Committees.

I am now going to check an external storage device to find all the paperwork relating to the Working Groups.

Kind regards
Corporate Governance Manager

Leighton-Linslade Town Council
Direct Line: 01525 631918
Reception: 01525 631920

Quality Council Status awarded 2009

Leighton-Linslade Town Council
The White House, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 1HD

The information in this email is confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient please notify us immediately by phoning 01525 631920. You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor disclose its contents to any other person. Although this email and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus, or any other defect which might affect any computer or IT system into which they are received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they are virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Leighton - Linslade Town Council for any loss or damage arising in any way from receipt or use thereof.

show quoted sections

Debbie Marsh, Leighton - Linslade Town Council

7 Attachments

Dear Brenda

These are all the agenda, minutes and associated papers with regard to the Lifelong Learning Working Group.

There are many other working groups which provided information and feedback with regard to the Big Plan, do you wish for me to send these as well?

Corporate Governance Manager

Leighton-Linslade Town Council
Direct Line: 01525 631918
Reception: 01525 631920

Quality Council Status awarded 2009

Leighton-Linslade Town Council
The White House, Hockliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire LU7 1HD

The information in this email is confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient please notify us immediately by phoning 01525 631920. You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor disclose its contents to any other person. Although this email and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus, or any other defect which might affect any computer or IT system into which they are received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that they are virus free and no responsibility is accepted by Leighton - Linslade Town Council for any loss or damage arising in any way from receipt or use thereof.

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