Total investment by the Department of Health in companies trading with or affiliated to the arms industry by year (5 years)
Dear Department of Health and Social Care,
I am writing to request the global amount invested by the Department of Health and NHS in companies that are part or majority owned by the arms industry or which have material dealings with the arms industry (and often therefore cross subsidise their fees to the arms industry through profits from health service contracts)
I recognise this information may be difficult to collect but would ask if it is not currently collected that it begin to be so as it must surely be part of the Department of Health's mission and its strategy on ethical commissioning that the industry promoting the sale of weapons and in many cases whose mission includes the promotion of war eg Lockheed, Airbus, should receive funding from the parliamentary vote for promoting health and providing health services?
If it helps I can provide a list of the over 12000 companies that I believe the Department of Health and NHS contracts with (or did when I worked with both) and which are part of the arms industry but it might be more effective to write to each CCG and Foundation Trust asking them to ensure in their commissioning that any company distances itself and any resources received from funding arms manufacture and sale.
Yours faithfully,
A J Ranzetta
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Dear Mr Ranzetta,
Please find attached the Department of Health and Social Care's response
to your recent FOI request (our ref: FOI-1167361)
Yours sincerely,
Edward Franklyn
Freedom of Information team
Department of Health and Social Care
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