Total cost of the PSNI Injury on Duty scheme.
Dear Northern Ireland Policing Board,
1. Please can you confirm the current total costing for the Injury on Duty scheme.
31/3/2019 £488.4 million (NIAO Report).
2. Total numbers claiming . Please confirm the number that have retrospectively claimed.
3. Cost of scheme for 2022/23 financial year.
4. The number of members on the scheme who qualify for industrial injuries benefit and amount ducted for 2022/23 financial year.
Yours faithfully,
J Sparrow
J Sparrow
NIPB Ref: FOI 48/2023
Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board.
Data Protection / Compliance Officer
Northern Ireland Policing Board
James House, Block D, 2 – 4 Cromac Avenue, The Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JA
Web: / Read: Policing Matters
NIPB on Twitter / NIPB on Facebook / NIPB on Youtube
J Sparrow
NIPB Ref: FOI 48/2023
Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board.
Data Protection / Compliance Officer
Northern Ireland Policing Board
James House, Block D, 2 – 4 Cromac Avenue, The Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JA
Web: / Read: Policing Matters
NIPB on Twitter / NIPB on Facebook / NIPB on Youtube
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