Total budget for Cystic Fibrosis care in Wales

Public Health Wales did not have the information requested.

Dear Public Health Wales,

Could you kindly provide the total budget for Cystic Fibrosis Care in Wales.

Could you specify the areas this covers, and how the allocation is broken down: For example;

Outpatient Care (regular clinic visits, home services, annual review costs)
Hospital admissions
Inpatient Prescription costs
Outpatient Prescriptions costs

How many patients does this cover?

Yours faithfully,

Ms McCaffrey

Jane Evans (Public Health Wales - No. 2 Capital Quarter), Public Health Wales

1 Attachment

Dear Ms McCaffrey


Please find attached our response to your FOI request.


Best wishes


Jane Evans

Rheolwr Lywodraethol Gwybodaeth, Llwodraethu Gwybodaeth a Risg, Iechyd
Cyhoeddus Cymru, 3, Rhif 2 Capital Quarter, Tyndall Street, Caerdydd CF10

Information Governance Manager, Information Governance & Risk Division,
Public Health Wales, 3, Number 2, Capital Quarter, Tyndall Street,
Cardiff, CF10 4BZ


Ffôn:/Tel:  029 2010 4306  WHTN:  1809 4306

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