Total budget for Cystic Fibrosis care in Scotland
Dear NHS Health Scotland,
Could you kindly provide the total budget for Cystic Fibrosis Care in Scotland.
Could you specify the areas this covers, and how the allocation is broken down: For example;
Outpatient Care (regular clinic visits, home services, annual review costs)
Hospital admissions
Inpatient Prescription costs
Outpatient Prescriptions costs
How many patients does this cover?
Yours faithfully,
Ms McCaffrey
[1]1 May 2018Dear Ms McCaffrey
Information Request – Total budget for Cystic Fibrosis care in Scotland
I am writing with regard to your Freedom of Information request on 5 April
2018 that was received by NHS Health Scotland the next day, in which you
ask the following:
“Could you kindly provide the total budget for Cystic Fibrosis care in
Scotland. Could you specify the areas this covers, and how the allocation
is broken down.”
Unfortunately we are unable to help you with your request. Although NHS
Health Scotland is a part of the NHS in Scotland, we do not provide health
services directly to the public and we have no role in monitoring or
providing the information that you are looking for. Our role is to work
with a range of organisations including other NHS Boards, local
government, the third sector and employers to help them use knowledge
about what works to improve the health of people in Scotland. [2]This
link describes the different organisations that make up the NHS in
Therefore you may wish to redirect your request to the 14 local Health
Boards that provide care and treatment, and in this case contact details
are available [3]here
If for any reason you are not satisfied with our response, you do have the
right to ask the Chief Executive to review our response. You should do
this within 40 working days of receipt of this letter and in a recordable
format (letter, email, audio tape etc). The Chief Executive will consider
your query, consulting with others as necessary, and will respond to you
within 20 working days.
I hope that this is of help to you.
Yours sincerely
Cath Denholm
Director of Strategy, NHS Health Scotland
Amanda Stewart
Communications and Engagement Officer
NHS Health Scotland
07500854551 / 0141 414 2825
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