TMUA statistics by test date and course
Dear University of Cambridge,
I am writing to request some statistics on TMUA scores for the October 2024 sitting.
What was the average TMUA score of (separately) computer science, economics and maths of candidates applying to the University of Cambridge?
What are the grade distributions of the TMUA results individually for the 2 test dates, 16th and 17th October?
Also I would like to request the grade boundaries used to convert raw scores to grades. Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Thank you for your email. However, a valid request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 must state a requester’s real full name; the Information Commissioner’s guidance on this is published at:
Accordingly your request will not be processed.
Information Compliance Office
University of Cambridge
Governance and Compliance Division, The Old Schools
Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
E: [University of Cambridge request email]
Dear FOI,
I did not know that was required. My full name is Yamin Tasnimul Hasan.
Yours sincerely,
Yamin Tasnimul Hasan
Dear FOI,
I have given my full name. Can you now process the original request?
Yours sincerely,
This is to acknowledge receipt of your request for information. Your
reference number is given in the subject line of this email. We will
respond on or before 31 December 2024.
Information Compliance Office
University of Cambridge
Governance and Compliance Division, The Old Schools Trinity Lane,
Cambridge, CB2 1TN
E: [1][University of Cambridge request email]
Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response.
Information Compliance Office
University of Cambridge
Governance and Compliance Division, The Old Schools
Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TN
E: [University of Cambridge request email]
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