This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Tier 3 Weight Management & Diabetes Structured Education'.

Gemini House 
Bartholomew's Walk 
Our ref: SF/sb/ICB FOI 43-22/23: Royds 
Cambridgeshire Business Park 
Your ref: 
Angel Drove 
Date: 9 September 2022 
CB7 4EA 
Email: Ludo Royds 
Tel: 03300 571030 
Dear Mr Royds 
Freedom of Information Act Request: Ref FOI 43-22/23: Response 
I am writing further to your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 received on 16 August 
2022.  NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care Board’s (ICB) response is set out below: 
I would be most grateful if you would provide me (under the Freedom of Information Act) details 
concerning the Tier 3 Weight Management & Diabetes Structured Education Services you 
The details we require are: 

  1.  Do you have a Tier 3 Weight Management programme? If so, please provide the contract 
expiry date, contract value and vendor name. 
Under a Section 256 Agreement NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough commission our Local 
Authority Public Health Service to provide an Integrated T3 Weight Management service, covering 
the whole of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough area.  The provider commissioned by 
Cambridgeshire Public Health is Everyone Health, for further details please contact Cambridgeshire 
County Council. 
  2.  Who is the senior officer/officer (outside of procurement) responsible for Tier 3 Weight 
For the ICB this would be Kit Connick, Chief Strategy and Partnerships Manager 
  3.  Do you have a Diabetes Structured Education programme? If so, please provide the contract 
expiry date, contract value and vendor name. 
It is DESMOND provided by DESMOND, contract runs yearly due to run out in March 2023, cost for 
DESMOND licence £10,000 
  4.  Who is the senior officer/officer (outside of procurement) responsible for Diabetes Structured 
Rob Murphy, Senior responsible Of icer for Planned Care and Community Care 

If you are dissatisfied with how your request has been handled or would like to formally appeal against our 
response please address your concerns, in writing, to the Freedom of Information Team at NHS 
Cambridgeshire at Gemini House, Bartholomew’s Walk, Cambridgeshire Business Park, Angel Drove, Ely 
CB7 4EA:  Telephone: Telephone: 03300 571030 email: 
If, after we have addressed your concerns, you remain dissatisfied with how the ICB has responded, you 
are entitled to appeal to the Information Commissioner’s Of ice at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, 
Cheshire   SK9 5AF.  Further details can be found at 
Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further assistance. 
Yours sincerely 
Chief of Staff