Tier 2 Weight Management Service

NHS Wigan Borough Clinical Commissioning Group did not have the information requested.

Dear NHS Wigan Borough Clinical Commissioning Group,

I would like to please request the following information with regards to your Tier 2 weight management service, if applicable:

How many patients do you believe are eligible in your CCG?

How many patients do you currently have on your waiting list?

How many patients have you referred in the last 12 months?

Thank you for taking the time to supply this information.
Kindest Regards,

Oliver Caswell

Tim Collins, NHS Wigan Borough Clinical Commissioning Group

2 Attachments

Dear Oliver

Our response to the information you requested of Wigan Borough CCG is

If you are dissatisfied with the way your request has been handled, please
contact us at the email address below with the specifics of your concerns
and we will conduct an internal review.

 If you are still dissatisfied with the outcome of the internal review,
you can contact the Information Commissioner at the following address:

 The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

 Yours sincerely



Tim Collins
Assistant Director, Governance
NHS Wigan Borough CCG
tel 01942 481725

07423 764097

[email address]


[1]WBCCG Logo - left aligned small




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