Requests similar to 'Those assigned by Scottish Ministers to oversee safety first and how they achieve such'

Rebranding logos that work for everyone
Response by Castle Rock Edinvar Housing Association Limited to M Hands on .

Awaiting classification

Dear M Hands,   We acknowledge your FOI(S)A request however we do not understand what you are requesting. Please can you provide more information...
Dear M Hands, Thank you for your request for information, where you asked for the following information: • To request dates of last removal of any...
Glyphosate usage

Awaiting classification

Dear Ferret Media,   Thank you for your request for information that was received on 26 June 2023.    Your request is being processed under th...
Request 35 - Standards overseen by Ministers
Request sent to Wheatley Housing Group Limited by M Hands on .

Awaiting classification

To request copies of appointment letters of Wheatley Homes East Board To request the total number of homes you have In 2020 In 2021 In 2022...
Guidance to New Cllrs
Response by Midlothian Council to Maddie Cross on .

Awaiting classification

Thank you for your information request. We have completed the necessary search for the information you have requested. Our response is now detailed b...
Request for info
Response by Castle Rock Edinvar Housing Association Limited to Rob Bates on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Rob Bates,   I write regarding your recent request for information under the Freedom of Information Scotland Act.   We have considered yo...
Homeless Applications & Interim Accommodation
Response by East Ayrshire Council to Wesley Hall on .

Awaiting classification

CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Dear Mr Hall Request for Information I refer to your undernoted request for information received by East Ayrshire Council...
Good Afternoon, Thank you for your clarification of your request regarding Wirral Homes. This enabled Officers to have a clearer idea on what type o...
Board meetings minutes
Response by Barrhead Housing Association Limited to Francis Kerr on .

Partially successful

Dear Francis Following on from our e-mail of earlier this week, please find attached the Board and sub-Board reports for the period covered by your r...
Fuel poverty information
Response by Durham County Council to Gary Angus on .


Dear Sir Please see response to your request for information, we hope that you find this of assistance. Yours faithfully The Information Management Tea...
Homelessness Statistics and Strategy
Response by Glasgow City Council to Rebecca Pringle on .


OFFICIAL - SENSITIVE: Personal Data Dear Mr Pringle, Please find attached a response to a historic Freedom of Information request that the Council...
  Ref No: 62329 Subject:Margate Renewal Partnership   Dear Ms Oldfield   Thank you for your communication received on 12/03/2014 where you reque...
Code of conduct
Response by Valuation Office Agency to Paul on .


Dear Paul Ekudo   Please find attached our reply and appendices as attachments to your Freedom of Information (FOI) request of 13 February 2023....
                Information request Our reference: 31587753 ------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Copies of Agreements
Response by Lewisham Borough Council to Arthur Timothy on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Timothy Thank you for your email. I am not sure why the link hasn't worked for you. Please find attached the full document. Yours sincerely...
Dear Ms Zhang   Freedom of Information request:  FOI-73414   Thank you for your request dated 25 May 2023.   Our response is as follows:...
Response by Scottish Borders Council to Billy Briggs on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Billy Briggs Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 relating to the above I am now able t...
S106 Agreement 2012/0980
Response by Waltham Forest Borough Council to Alican on .

Awaiting classification

To Whom It May Concern,   See attached FOI response,   Note that this should not be an FOI as the provision of discharge information ordinaril...
Dear Ms Reynolds   Information on Stock Transfer Documents Between LBTH and Eastend Homes  (ref: 7629668)   Your request for information has b...
Climate change adaptation strategy
Response by Bournemouth Borough Council to Tom Cole on .


Dear Mr Cole,   Information Request – Freedom of Information Act   Further to your request for information received on 13 February 2014 please...
Guidance to New Cllrs
Response by Pembrokeshire County Council to Maddie Cross on .

Awaiting classification

If you have received this email in error, please notify us and delete it from your computer immediately.   FOI / EIR Request Our reference: 1118806...
Domestic Violence & Homelessness
Response by Birmingham City Council to Ranjit Bains on .

Waiting clarification

[1]Logo         Information request Our reference: 519134 CITY COUNCIL 9 JANUARY 2018 Joint Report from the Cabinet Member Health and Social C...
Ms Quinn,   Please find attached the Department’s response to your recent request for information.   Regards   Damian O'Hara| Information...
Stirling Council: Housing and Homelessness
Response by Stirling Council to William Gomes on .


Dear Mr Gomes, I refer to your recent request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and can provide you with the following information...
Affordable Homes Policy and Stock
Response by East Dunbartonshire Council to Jamie Mann on .

Partially successful

Freedom of Information request - Affordable Homes Policy and Stock Thank you for your request for information. In answer to your enquiry I can provide...