The use of different measures of inflation

The request was successful.

Dear UK Statistics Authority,

Please can you let me have any (internal or published) documents (including letters and emails) that note, discuss or list the different actual or potential uses of the different inflation indices such as RPI, RPIX, CPI and so on?

Yours faithfully,

Simon Briscoe

ONS FoI Team, UK Statistics Authority

Thank you for your recent FoI request to the Office for National
Statistics. I can confirm that we have received your request and it is
currently being dealt with. We will aim to respond as soon as possible,
and in any event not later than 20 working days from today (or when we
received your request if that was earlier).

Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us
at [email address]
Yours Faithfully
Freedom of Information Team
Office for National Statistics

For information on the work of the UK Statistics Authority,
visit: [1]

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Legal Disclaimer:  Any views expressed by the sender of this message are
not necessarily those of the UK Statistics Authority


Visible links

Dear UK Statistics Authority,

Hello. I have asked the same question of UKSA and ONS - and I'd expect different responses. Can you please confirm that that is so. I am a bit confused to have received the reply to the UKSA request from ONS, and no response to the ONS request.

Yours faithfully,

Simon Briscoe

FOI Team, UK Statistics Authority

Dear Mr Briscoe,

I write with respect to your request for documents that relate to inflation measures. You made two separate requests, one in respect of ONS and one of UKSA. ONS is the executive agency of UKSA (The Statistics Board), in practise the two organisations share staff, resources, and email and IT systems and it would not be possible to create separate responses. We have therefore combined the requests.

In order to be sure that we have fully answered your question we would need to search the emails and file storage of all ONS staff, some 3,000 individuals. The cost limit of replying to a Freedom of Information request is £600, or 24 hours work. Even with two requests this would only allow one minute per search. We would therefore request that you limit the scope of your request to allow us to respond within the cost limit. This could be done, for example, by (i) removing emails from the scope of your request (ii) limiting the search by time period (iii) only searching emails and documents of those staff involved in the production and development of inflation indices at Grade 7 or above or (iv) restricting the request to those indices published as part of the Consumer price inflation statistical release (which includes the indices specifically mentioned in your request); our definition of inflation would include other measures such as the Producer Prices Index. It may be necessary to reduce the scope by a number of these options to come within the cost limit.

We look forward to receiving your response.

Kind regards,

Freedom of Information Team
Office for National Statistics

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Dear FOI Team,

I am happy for you to restrict the request, as you suggested under item (iv): "to those indices published as part of the Consumer price inflation statistical release (which includes the indices specifically mentioned in your request);".

Many thanks

Yours sincerely,

Simon Briscoe

Dear FOI Team,

Do you know when I will get a reply?

Yours sincerely,

Simon Briscoe

Dear FOI Team,

Could you please let me know when I might get a response to this long-overdue request?

Yours sincerely,

Simon Briscoe

FOI Team, UK Statistics Authority

Good Afternoon Simon

Apologies for the delay with our response to your Freedom of Information request. There are a large number of documents involved in this request; we are still reviewing these and considering the public interest.

We will aim to provide you with a response as soon as possible.

Kind regards

Freedom of Information Team
Office for National Statistics

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Dear FOI Team,

Do you know when I might receive a reply?

Yours sincerely,

Simon Briscoe

FOI Team, UK Statistics Authority

Good Afternoon Simon

Please accept our apologies for the delay in our response. As outlined in our email to you below, we are still working through a large number of documents and considering the public interest.

Kind regards

Freedom of Information Team
Office for National Statistics

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Dear FOI Team,

Do you know when I might receive a reply? It is now well over a year since I requested the information.

Yours sincerely,

Simon Briscoe

FOI Team, UK Statistics Authority

Our Reference: FOI 3356

Dear Simon,

Thank you for your email requesting documents relating to the different
actual or potential uses of the different inflation indices.

As mentioned in our previous email, the Office for National Statistics has
now completed its search for the information which you requested and the
response can be found here:

You have the right to have this response to your freedom of information
request reviewed internally by an internal review process and, if you
remain unhappy with the decision, by the Information Commissioner. If you
would like to have the decision reviewed please write to The FoI Team,
Room 1100, Office for National Statistics, Segensworth Road, Titchfield
PO15 5RR, and mark your correspondence "Internal Review".

If you have any queries about this email, please contact the Freedom of
Information Team ('[UK Statistics Authority request email]')

Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future

As per your request, we are sending this response to your whatdotheyknow

Freedom of Information Team
Office for National Statistics For information on the work of the UK
Statistics Authority, visit:

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Legal Disclaimer: Any views expressed by the sender of this message are
not necessarily those of the UK Statistics Authority


Visible links

Dear FOI Team,

Thank you for the lengthy reply. I note that there are no published documents in the set of papers. Can I ask you just to confirm, therefore, that since I asked for published documents to be included, there have never been any UKSA/ONS published documents that discuss the uses of the different inflation indices?

Yours sincerely,

Simon Briscoe

FOI Team, UK Statistics Authority

Good Morning Simon

Apologies, these two links should have been included;

1. National Statistician's consultation on options for improving the Retail Prices Index;

2. International Comparability of the Consumer Price Index: Owner Occupied Housing - please note that this is a published journal, so you will need to register before accessing the full text;

Kind regards

Steph Turner | Legal and International Services
UK Statistics Authority | Awdurdod Ystadegau’r Deyrnas Unedig | @UKStatsAuth|

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Dear FOI Team,

Thanks. Just to clarify are they the only two publications?

Yours sincerely,

Simon Briscoe

FOI Team, UK Statistics Authority

1 Attachment

Apologies Simon.

The links I have provided below are in relation to FOI 3740.

The attached document contains links in relation to FOI 3356.


Steph Turner | Legal and International Services
UK Statistics Authority | Awdurdod Ystadegau’r Deyrnas Unedig | @UKStatsAuth|

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Dear FOI Team,

Hello. As your reference numbers mean little to me (and nothing to other readers of this string) can you please post the links to the appropriate request? It's just easier to have the response to each request in the right place.

Yours sincerely,

Simon Briscoe

FOI Team, UK Statistics Authority

Dear Simon,

Thank you for your mail. As requested, both published responses have now been updated with the appropriate links.

For ease of access I have included the links here:

For the FOI request concerning documents relating to the different actual or potential uses of the different inflation indices:

For the FOI request concerning assessment report documentation:



Tania Bastow| Legal and International Services
UK Statistics Authority | Awdurdod Ystadegau’r Deyrnas Unedig | @UKStatsAuth
+44 (0)1329 44 7323 | [email address] |

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