The Royal Navy and the TV show 'Channel Patrol'
Dear Royal Navy,
The two-series TV show on BBC started in 2015, and the Royal Navy has a central role within the Non-news media project.
Please disclose the contract/s and access agreement signed between the production company and the Royal Navy for the first series.
Yours faithfully,
Tarik Ata
Dear Royal Navy,
The records I have requested access to are not challenging to obtain, and you should have promptly replied within the designated time period provided.
Please provide the records I have requested.
Yours faithfully,
Tarik Ata
Dear Mr Ata,
Please find attached our response to your recent enquiry.
Navy Command Secretariat- FOI Section
Dear [email address],
A request was made on 11/09/2023 regarding the Royal Navy's role in the TV Show 'Channel Patrol'. Requesting access to the contract/s and access agreement signed between the production company and the Royal Navy for the first series.
I did not receive a confirmation email from the MOD and thus did not receive a FOI Reference Number.
But the request was made.
Yours sincerely,
Tarik Ata
Dear Mr Ata,
Your request has been logged under our reference FOI2023/12184 and the
target date for response is 9 November 2023.
Yours sincerely,
Navy Command Secretariat- FOI Section
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