The revenue made from the sale of LiDAR data

The request was partially successful.

Dear Environment Agency,

Please could you provide me with a breakdown by year of all revenue made from the sale of LiDAR Data?

Yours faithfully,

Louise Huby

Enquiries, Unit, Environment Agency

5 Attachments

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Usually we make no charge for providing information. In some cases we may
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will notify you in advance.


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( Tel: 03708 506 506

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Enquiries, Unit, Environment Agency

5 Attachments

Dear Louise,


Thank you for contacting us with your Freedom of Information request.


In order for us to make sure we provide you with the correct information,
please can you advise us of the exact years that you would like the data
to cover.


Once we have this information we will forward your request to our National
Requests team.


We look forward to hearing from you.


Kind Regards,


Customer Service Team

Environment Agency

National Customer Contact Centre (NCCC)


( Tel: 03708 506 506

( Incident Hotline: 0800 80 70 60  

7  Fax: 0114 2626697

:  Web Site: [1]

* Email: [2][Environment Agency request email]

* Post: Environment Agency, Quadrant 2, 99 Parkway Ave, Parkway Business
Park, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 4WF


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From: Louise [mailto:[FOI #240403 email]]
Sent: 21 November 2014 08:18
To: Enquiries, Unit
Subject: Freedom of Information request - The revenue made from the sale
of LiDAR data


Dear Environment Agency,


Please could you provide me with a breakdown by year of all revenue made
from the sale of LiDAR Data?


Yours faithfully,


Louise Huby




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[9][FOI #240403 email]


Is [10][Environment Agency request email] the wrong address for Freedom
of Information requests to Environment Agency? If so, please contact us
using this form:



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If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.



show quoted sections

Dear Enquiries, Unit,

Could you provide me with the information requested for the following years:
2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

Yours sincerely,

Louise Huby

Enquiries, Unit, Environment Agency

5 Attachments

Please note this is an auto reply message.


Thank you – The Environment Agency has received your email.


The Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations
state that a public authority must respond to requests for information
within 20 working days however we always aim to provide an answer as soon
as we can.  


For further information on what you can expect from us and our full
service commitment to you then please visit our website: 



Usually we make no charge for providing information. In some cases we may
make a charge for licensed re-use of our data. Where this is the case, we
will notify you in advance.


Environmental Incident


If your email was to report an environmental incident i.e. pollution, fish
in distress, dumping of hazardous waste etc then please call our freephone
24 hour Incident Hotline on 0800 80 70 60.   For more details about
incident reporting please see our website:


Kind Regards,


National Customer Contact Centre - Part of National Operations Services


( Tel: 03708 506 506

: Web Site: [3]


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Please can you spare five minutes to complete our short survey; your
feedback will help us identify where we need to improve.

will only take three minutes to complete:


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National Requests, Environment Agency

Dear Louise


Thank you for your request for income data.


We are treating your enquiry as an Information Request under the
Environmental Information Regulations 2004/Freedom of Information Act


Your request will be dealt with by our National Request Team under
reference NRNOV76


The Environment Agency covers England only.


For Scotland, Ireland and Wales, please see the links below:








Unless the data requested is immediately accessible to us there may be a
cost, however we will make you aware of any charge prior to the request
being completed. 


The Environment Agency’s obligation under the relevant legislation is to
provide you with the requested information within 20 working days from the
date your enquiry is received.



Data will be provided in pdf format (wherever possible) unless
specifically requested in another format. 

Please be aware that data provided in a manipulable format may be subject
to an additional fee.


In the meantime should you have any queries regarding this request please
contact us at: [4][email address]


Kind regards,


National Request Team

National Customer Contact Centre

Tel 03708 506 506




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4. mailto:[email address]

National Requests, Environment Agency

2 Attachments

Dear Louise,


Enquiry regarding Lidar Data.


Thank you for your enquiry which was received on 21 November 2014


We respond to requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and
Environmental Information Regulations 2004.


I enclose a description of your data attached.  I have attached our
Standard Notice which explains the permitted use of this information.


Please get in touch if you have any further queries or contact us within
two months if you’d like us to review the information we have sent.



Kind Regards


Michael Waistnage

National Requests

National Customer Contact Centre

Environment Agency

03708 506 506

[1][email address]


We would really like to know what you think of our customer service.
Please can you spare five minutes to complete our short survey; your
feedback will help us identify where we need to improve.

The survey is completely anonymous.



P   Have you seen DataShare, the Environment Agency’s online data portal?
Register to access our environmental data online: [3]DataShare




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1. mailto:[email address]