The "Opinion" of the "Qualified Person"

Waiting for an internal review by Northern Ireland Policing Board of their handling of this request.

Dear Northern Ireland Policing Board,

Could I please be supplied with a copy of the "Opinion" of the "Qualified Person" as it relates to the engaging of :

Sec 36 [2] [b] [1] and [2] and Sec 36 [2] [c] of the Freedom Of Information Act 2000
for the following FOI requests.

1. FOI 24/2022

2. FOI 56/2023

3. FOI 70/2024

Yours faithfully,


NIPB FOI, Northern Ireland Policing Board

1 Attachment


NIPB Ref: FOI 83/2024

Please see the attached correspondence from the NI Policing Board.


Compliance Officer

Northern Ireland Policing Board

James House, Block D, 2 – 4 Cromac Avenue, The Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JA

Web:  / Read:  Policing Matters NIPB on
Twitter  / NIPB on Facebook   / NIPB on Youtube 

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Dear Northern Ireland Policing Board,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Northern Ireland Policing Board's handling of my FOI request 'The "Opinion" of the "Qualified Person"'.

[Failure to comply with the statutory time limit for this request. ]

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,


NIPB FOI, Northern Ireland Policing Board


NIPB Ref: FOI 83/2024

Your e-mail dated 20 October 2024 seeking an Internal Review has been

The Board will endeavour to complete an internal review by 6 December

Please note we are experiencing a high volume of requests at present and
with limited staffing resources this may impact on our ability to respond
within the timeframe.

Compliance Officer

Northern Ireland Policing Board

James House, Block D, 2 – 4 Cromac Avenue, The Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JA

Web: [1]  / Read: [2] Policing Matters

[3]NIPB on Twitter  / [4]NIPB on Facebook   / [5]NIPB on Youtube  

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