The Official Secrets Acts 1911 - 1989
Dear Common Council of the City of London,
I am writing to respectfully make a request in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. My request is as follows:-
1) Please, can you provide a list of all employee roles who are employed by your authority and are subject to the provisions as set out in the Official Secrets Acts 1911-1989?
This can be provided in any format, however, a spreadsheet detailing each role and a mark as to whether the role requires the role holder to sign a declaration as to their recognition of being bound thus required to comply with the Act(s).
2) Please provide a disclosure of the format used by your authority which requires the signature of any role holder who is subject to provisions as set out in the Official Secrets Acts 1911-1989 such as an "Official Secrets Acts & Confidentiality Declaration"
If I am able to provide any further information in order to assist your search for information in order to successfully respond to this request, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Ryan Jarvis
Dear Ryan Jarvis,
The City of London (CoL), sometimes also called the City of London Corporation, acknowledges receipt of your two identical requests for information of 19 November 2019.
(Please note that, although the WDTK site lists the CoL at two places under two different names –
- where your identical requests are listed, the CoL is in fact one legal entity. Its full, official name is ‘The Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London’. We have informed the WDTK website that it is maintaining two sections for one body, and that it would be less confusing for applicants if the site referred to the CoL under one name instead of maintaining two lists and two names for the same legal entity, but it has declined to make the change. For further clarification of the position of the CoL under the FOIA, please see Paragraph 9 of Schedule 1 of the FOIA, which describes the CoL as being subject to the FOIA with regard to 'The Common Council of the City of London, in respect of information held in its capacity as a local authority, police authority or port health authority').
Public authorities are required to respond to requests within the statutory timescale of 20 working days beginning from the first working day after they receive a request. The Act does not always require public authorities to disclose the information which they hold.
The FOIA applies to the CoL as a local authority, police authority and port health authority. The CoL is the local and police authority for the “Square Mile”, ie the historic City of London, and not for London as a whole. Please see the following page containing a link to a map (‘Explore the City’), which shows the local authority area covered by the CoL:
The CoL does have some functions, including Port Health Authority functions, which extend beyond the City boundary. For further information please see:
Yours sincerely,
Information Officer
Comptroller & City Solicitor’s Department
City of London
Tel: 020-7332 1243
Dear Ryan Jarvis,
Following your requests of 19 November 2019 , and our acknowledgement of
the same date, the City of London (CoL) responds as follows.
There are no officers employed by the CoL who are subject to the to the
provisions set out in the Official Secrets Act 1911 – 1989.
Therefore, in accordance with section 1(1)(a) of the FOIA the CoL confirms
that it does not hold the information that you have requested.
We hope that this response is of assistance.
If you wish to make a complaint about the way the CoL has managed your
enquiry, please make your complaint in writing to email address:
[1][email address]. For a link to the CoL’s FOI complaints
procedure, please visit the following page:
[2], at the end of which is located the
FOI complaints procedure. If, having used the CoL’s FOI Complaints
Procedure, you are still dissatisfied, you may request the Information
Commissioner to investigate. Please contact: Information Commissioner,
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Telephone:
(01625) 545700. Website: [3]
The FOIA applies to the CoL as a local authority, police authority and
port health authority; and to the Guildhall School of Music and Drama
(GSMD), which it manages. Subject to any other statutory provisions
requiring the CoL to disclose information, release of information outside
the scope of the Act is subject to the discretion of the CoL.
The CoL holds the copyright in this communication. Its supply does not
give a right to re-use in a way that would infringe that copyright, for
example, by making copies, publishing and issuing copies to the public or
to any other person. Brief extracts of any of the material may be
reproduced under the fair dealing provisions of the Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act 1988 (sections 29 and 30) for the purposes of research for
non-commercial purposes, private study, criticism, review and news
reporting, subject to an acknowledgement of the copyright owner.
Yours sincerely,
Information Officer
Comptroller & City Solicitor’s Department
City of London
Tel: 020-7332 1243
Dear City of London Police Authority,
I am writing to respectfully make a request in accordance with the Freedom
of Information Act 2000. My request is as follows:-
1) Please, can you provide a list of all employee roles who are employed
by your authority and are subject to the provisions as set out in the
Official Secrets Acts 1911-1989?
This can be provided in any format, however, a spreadsheet detailing each
role and a mark as to whether the role requires the role holder to sign a
declaration as to their recognition of being bound thus required to comply
with the Act(s).
2) Please provide a disclosure of the format used by your authority which
requires the signature of any role holder who is subject to provisions as
set out in the Official Secrets Acts 1911-1989 such as an "Official
Secrets Acts & Confidentiality Declaration"
If I am able to provide any further information in order to assist your
search for information in order to successfully respond to this request,
please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Ryan Jarvis
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Opinions, advice or facts included in this message are given without any
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City of London unless specifically indicated otherwise by agreement,
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by the City of London. All e-mail through the City of London's gateway is
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viruses is excluded. Please note that in so far as the City of London
falls within the scope of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or the
Environmental Information Regulations 2004, it may need to disclose this
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