The number of deaths (mortality) by ICD-10 while on the waiting list for elective treatment
Dear NHS Improvement,
I would like to request a Freedom of Information in relation to the national number of deaths of patients who were on an elective waiting list/scheduled to have an elective inpatient procedure and did not receive treatment (i.e. died before their elective) per week (or month) over the period of 2018-2019. It would be appreciated if this could be provided as an excel or csv file disaggregated according to the main ICD-10 classification for primary diagnosis (e.g. ICD J00-J99, ICD I00-I99 etc). In addition to this, it would be appreciated if some descriptive statistics for the length of time individuals were waiting accompanied each week (e.g. the mean, median, 25th and 75th percentile for each week).
I look forward to receiving this information within 20 working days.
Yours faithfully,
Dheeya Rizmie
Yours faithfully,
Dheeya Rizmie
Dear Ms Rizmie
Please see the attached decision letter dated 1 July 2020.
Yours sincerely
NHS Improvement
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