The information on the consultation letter that was placed in the {House of Commons] library and the 182 responses were received in relation to hybrid birds of prey.
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please supply a copy of the following information quoted from the letter below from Defra, if I may quote ‘our consultation letter was placed in the {House of Commons] library. 182 responses were received’ Please supply all the information that relates to the above quote from Defra.
CC 7TH Floor
Eastbury House
30-34 Albert Embankment
Email: cc
Website: www.defra gov uk
CCU R©f: DW0105022
24 November 2008
Dear Mr-Canning;
Registration of Hybrids
Thank you for your letters to Joan Ruddock of 7 and 16 October 2008 regarding the need to register hybrids under Schedule 4 to the Wildlife and Countryside Ac! 1981 I have been asked to reply, and apologise for the delay in doing so.
It is the view of the Department that Schedule 4 was amended lawfully in 1994 to include hybrids, therefore, the Department does not believe an inquiry is needed I enclose a copy of a news release dated 25 April 1994 which replicates a reply to a Parliamentary Question that states the Department consulted "around 7,000 organisations and individuals about our proposals and a copy of our consultation letter was placed in the {House of Commons] library. 182 responses were received
Yours sincerely,
Defra - Customer Contact Unit
Yours faithfully,
Derek canning LLB[hons]
Dear Sir or Madam,
The House of Lords under the Freedom of Information Act should have replied by now, and are breaking the law therefore I want an internal inquiry.
Yours sincerely,
Derek Canning LLB [HONS]
'The information on the consultation letter that was placed in the
{House of Commons] library and the 182 responses were received in
relation to hybrid birds of prey.
</request/the_information_on_the_consultat> ' made by Derek Canning LLB
[HONS] </user/derek_canning_llb_hons>
Dear Mr Canning
I am sorry that this one fell through the net and for our delay in
responding .
We have located the following which may be of relevance in the archive
of deposited papers - I have asked for a copy to be sent to me and I
will forward it on ASAP
DEP 10356, 21.02.1994:
Review of sales and related wildlife controls: Wildlife & Countryside
Act 1981 proposed amendments to schedule 4: bird registration & ringing
consultation paper.
Yours sincerely
Bob Castle
Head of Information Rights and Information Security
House of Commons
0207 219 2032
Dear Mr Canning
I have now received a copy of this paper: " Review of sales and related
wildlife controls: Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 proposed amendments
to schedule 4: bird registration & ringing consultation paper".
However, I understand that you already have been provided with a copy of
this by the House of Lords in response to a FOI request to that public
authority. If this is not the case please let me know.
Yours sincerely
Bob Castle
No all I received was some copies of some replies to some letters so please send your information.
Yours sincerely,
Derek Canning LLB [HONS]
Dear Mr Canning,
Please find attached copy of the document as requested.
Mandy Kelly
Freedom of Information Assistant
Information Rights and Information Security
Dear Sir or Madam,
Can you send the information in printable form.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Derek Canning LLB [HONS]
Dear Sir or Madam,
Can you send the information in printable form.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Derek Canning LLB [HONS]
Dear Mr Canning
The information was sent as a PDF and it is available on the WDTK web
site - once opened or saved to your computer it can be printed
Yours sincerely
Bob Castle
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