Please find attached response
Kevin Symm
Senior Information Officer
Legal Services
Liverpool City Council
Municipal Buildings
Dale Stre...
Please find attached response
Kevin Symm I Senior Information Officer
Liverpool City Council I Municipal Buildings I Dale Street I Liverpo...
Dear Mr Snow,
Thank you for your request for information. In your request you asked for
information regarding West Canada Dock. Please note that ther...
Please answer the following questions.
1) Exactly how many rented properties exist within the boundaries of Liverpool City Council.
2) Exactly how...
Dear Mr Rice
After speaking to the relevant department I can confirm that no PCN’s have been issued by Liverpool City Council Parking Services Civil E...
Dear Mr Woods
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides the public with a right of access to information held by Local Authorities and places a res...
Freedom of Information Request
I am concerned that my personal information properly has not handled properly. I understand that before reporting my c...
Colin Ling Associates
MCCDA/Chinese Wellbeing
Merseyside Chinese Community Development Association
Colin Ling has many years’ experience in busin...
Can you provide ALL documentation including any licences/leases for the following please;
-Any amendments that have been made to the original Land Ex...
Can you provide ALL documentation including any licences/leases for the following please;
-Any amendments that have been made to the original Land Ex...
Dear Chris Cleary
Thank you for your request for information received on 10 July 2023.
Please be advised that Liverpool City Council does no...
Dear David Wilks
Thank you for contacting Liverpool City Council . Unfortunately your
query does not fall under the remit of the Freedom of In...
Dear Tony Jones
Your request 17483234
Thank you for contacting Liverpool City Council with a request for
information . Unfortunately...
Dear Chris
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request for information that was received on 6 November
2023 concerning:
Dear David Phillips
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request for information that was received on 28
December 2023 concer...
Dear Lyn Redwood
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request received on 22 January 2024. Unfortunately, we
are unable to de...
Dear CareActFOI
Thank you for your request for information received on 29 November 2023.
Liverpool Adult Social Care and Health do not charg...
Dear Harold Smith
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request received on 15 May 2024. Unfortunately, we are
unable to deal...
Dear TJ Jordan
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request received on 7 February 2024. Unfortunately, we
are unable to deal...
Dear Ed Gommon
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request for information that was received on 14 August
2024 concerning: D...
How many Specialised Supported Housing (SSH) units are there in the Liverpool City Council boundaries?
Which companies own them? I do not need breakdo...
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I am seeking the following information;
1. Local Housing Allowance monthly payments;
for Lmat John, at 5...
Dear Jade Tilbury
Thank you for your request for information received on 26 September 2024.
The information you have requested is held by Me...
Dear Mr Beatson,
Acknowledgement of your request for information.
Thank you for your recent correspondence requesting information from the
City Cou...
Dear Kevin Symm,
Please add this to my FOIA
1). You state Ms Coleman commissioning manager is responsible for Autism and the Aut...