Dear A Nasir
Please see the attached response and separately attached data table
following your request for information.
Kind regards
Dear Mr Rodgers,
Please find the third ZIP file attached, as described in
email Part 1.
Should you not receive any one of thes...
Dear Mr McKinstry
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Further to your request for information under the Freedom of Information
Act, please fin...
Dear Rhiannon Pritchard
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request for information that was received on 4 May 2023
Dear Dave James
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request for information that was received on 9 November
2023 concerning:...
Dear Mr Trice
You will note that this response was originally dispatched to you on 4
July 2016.
CCT FOI team
From: FOI Res...
Dear Emergency UK
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request for information that was received on 16 January
2023 concernin...
Dear Information Requests,
That you for your prompt reply. I have checked the web site and found it slightly confusing, therefore would be grateful...
Could you please accept this Freedom of Information request and supply the following :-
1, The framework agreements in place between Liverpool city c...
We are requesting all information and involvement into the Liverpool city councils role into this report by Liverpool Echo reporter Liam Thorp.
How E...
The Liverpool Echo it is understood has sold off it's building in "Old Hall Street" to Dubai- based investors.
1/ will now the Liverpool city council...
Freedom of Information Request
Subject: [name removed] Liverpool
Can our Liverpool council please confirm the following?
[name removed]is acting f...
Could you please provide;
- All emails between representatives of Ronald McDonald House UK and/or Ronald McDonald House Liverpool with representative...
Please find attached response
Kevin Symm I Senior Information Officer
Liverpool City Council I Municipal Buildings I Dale Street I Liverpo...
Please find attached response
Kevin Symm I Senior Information Officer
Liverpool City Council I Municipal Buildings I Dale Street I Liverpoo...
Could you please provide me with the following information-
1) What contract does VOI have with Liverpool City Council?
A) How much has the council...
Please supply the following information under the Freedom of Information act,
1, All expenditure relating tho the Eurovision Song Contest events held...
Dear James Murphy
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request received on 13 February 2024. Unfortunately, we
are unable to...
Dear John Hanlon,
Thank you for your enquiry dated 19th April 2024.
Could you please clarify the name of the company you request information
Dear Mohamed Ali
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request received on 11 May 2024. Unfortunately, we are
unable to deal w...
Dear John Hanlon
Thank you for your request for information received on 18 April 2024.
Liverpool City Council does not hold this information...
Cllr Nick Small quote - 2012
“Liverpool City Council is investing £800,000 into Liverpool
Futures, which is part of the Council’s commitment to incr...
Dear Mr O’Donoghue,
ICO Decision Notice IC-104047-G8Z7 – FOIA Request 6491479
Further to our earlier email, we would further advise that in...
Dear Robert Jameson
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request received on 6 February 2025. Unfortunately, we
are unable to...
Can the Mayor of Liverpool Mr. Anderson try to explain as to why he has never asked for the payments from NPG Liverpool Chinatown and the 106 fees?