The Citizenship of those receiving Help to Buy

HM Treasury did not have the information requested.

Dear Her Majesty’s Treasury,

I received the following news story: Help to Buy: helping 150,000 own their own home
10 March, 2016 at 10:00am

"Over 150,000 people have achieved their aspiration of home ownership thanks to the government’s flagship housing scheme Help to Buy."

Having been a tax payer all my life and in light of being about to make a decision on BREXIT, I am interested to know to what extent expensive schemes like this subsidise long term British tax payers vs the citizens of other countries, who's governments may not be so generous.

My question is, out of all those people helped by Help to Buy, what percentage were British Citizens. For those who are not British Citizens, please provide a breakdown for EU and Non-EU Citizens, ideally with a breakdown of numbers for each country, i.e. how many British vs French Citizens obtained British funding from the scheme.

Yours faithfully,

Philip Ridley

FOI Requests, HM Treasury

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FOI Requests, HM Treasury

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Ridley,


Please find attached our reply to your Freedom of Information request
dated 10 March.




Adam Goodwin | Information Rights Case Adviser | Correspondence and
Information Rights Team | Corporate Centre Group HM Treasury, Third
Floor/Red Zone, 1 Horse Guards Road, London, SW1A 2HQ
| [1] 


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