Termination of life support child AB

The request was partially successful.

Dear Barts Health NHS Trust,
Can you please answer the following questions with regards to this Freedom of Information Request
1. How much money has the Trust spent on Legal fees so far in the attempt to terminate the life support of child AB at the Royal London Hospital Whitechapel ?
2. Can you please forward me a copy of the Trust policy with reference to the Termination of patients life support?
3, How many cases have the Trust taken to Court in the past five calendar to terminate the life of a patient in their care?

Yours faithfully,

Alison Stevens


Dear Alison Stevens

Your Request for Information: FOI-0387-22

Thank you for your recent request for information. This will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act.

If you decide that you no longer require the information that you have requested, we would encourage you to withdraw your request so that our team can focus on other requests and our services can focus on other work.

The FOI Act defines a number of exemptions which may prevent the release of the information you have requested. We will assess the material and if any of the exemption categories apply, then the information may not be released. We will tell you if that is so. If the information you request refers to a third party then they may be consulted prior to a decision being taken on whether or not to release the information to you. We will let you know if that is the case and give you an indication of the timescale for providing the information. There may be a fee payable for the information you have requested. The fee must be paid before the information is released. We will inform you if this is the case.

Information that we may provide in response to the FOI Act request will be subject to copyright protection. You may ask if you can re-use the information, perhaps for commercial purposes. Without the necessary permission you can breach our copyright. To enquire about re-using Trust information, please write to us at the above address or e-mail [Barts Health NHS Trust request email]

If you have any queries then please contact us at [Barts Health NHS Trust request email]
If you are dissatisfied with how your request has been handled, please contact the Freedom of Information Team to see if your concerns can be addressed informally.

Alternatively, you can contact the Head of Information Governance & Data Protection Officer.
Postal address:

Head of Information Governance
& Trust Data Protection Officer
Barts Health NHS Trust
Information Governance
Shape Your Story
Floor 9, 20 Churchill Place
London, E14 5HJ

If, after we have addressed your complaint, you remain dissatisfied with how we have responded, you are entitled to appeal to the Information Commissioner (Tel: 01625 545 745). Details are shown at www.ico.org.uk.

Yours faithfully,

Freedom of Information Team
Barts Health NHS Trust
Information Governance (FOI)
Shape Your Story
Floor 9, 20 Churchill Place
London, E14 5HJ

Website: www.bartshealth.nhs.uk
[Barts Health NHS Trust request email]

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KHAN, Salima (BARTS HEALTH NHS TRUST), Barts Health NHS Trust

Barts Health NHS Trust
Churchill Place Offices
9th Floor,
20 Churchill Place,
Canary Wharf,
E14 5HJ

Salima Khan
Freedom of Information Officer
Information Governance Department
I Email: [email address]
Web: http://www.bartshealth.nhs.uk/

show quoted sections

KHAN, Salima (BARTS HEALTH NHS TRUST), Barts Health NHS Trust

KHAN, Salima (BARTS HEALTH NHS TRUST) would like to recall the message, “Freedom of Information request - Termination of life support child AB”.

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Dear Alison Stevens

The Trust has received your request, however, before we can proceed we require some clarification from you.

You have asked for

1. How much money has the Trust spent on Legal fees so far in the attempt to terminate the life support of child AB at the Royal London Hospital Whitechapel ?
2. Can you please forward me a copy of the Trust policy with reference to the Termination of patients life support?
3, How many cases have the Trust taken to Court in the past five calendar to terminate the life of a patient in their care?

We do not make court applications to "terminate life", therefore, please could you provide clarification on the questions above?

In accordance with the FOI Act and the FOI Code of Practice, your request will be put on hold while we wait your clarification and the clock restarted once sufficient clarification has been received. If we do not receive a clarification from you within 2 months of this email we will consider the request closed.

If you decide that you no longer require the information that you have requested, we would encourage you to withdraw your request so that our team can focus on other requests and our services can focus on other work.

Yours sincerely

Freedom of Information Team
Barts Health NHS Trust
Information Governance (FOI)
Shape Your Story
Floor 9, 20 Churchill Place
London, E14 5HJ

Website: www.bartshealth.nhs.uk
[Barts Health NHS Trust request email]

Please note our new Freedom of Information email address – [Barts Health NHS Trust request email]

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Clarification you asked me to comply with reference to my Freedom of Information request .
Child AB is stated to be brain dead by evidence given by your medical staff within the RCJ. High Court of appeal .
Thus there is no chance of any recovery.
So how much money has the Hospital Trust spent on legal fees so fat with regards to termination of life support because AB has no chance of recovery ?

Yours sincerely,

Alison Stevens

Could please forward me a copy of the Trust policy which clarifies and determines when life support should be terminated

Yours sincerely,

Alison Stevens


8 Attachments





Dear Alison Stevens


Please find attached the Trust’s response to your request.


Yours sincerely


Freedom of Information Team

Barts Health NHS Trust

Information Governance (FOI)

Shape Your Story

Floor 9, 20 Churchill Place

London, E14 5HJ


Website: [1]www.bartshealth.nhs.uk 

[2][Barts Health NHS Trust request email]


Please note our new Freedom of Information email address –
[3][Barts Health NHS Trust request email]







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I am writing to request an internal review into the Hospital Trust breach of compliance time with regards to this Freedom of Information request.

Yours sincerely,

Alison Stevens


1 Attachment

Dear Alison


Thank you for your email requesting an internal review. We note that you
have not expressed any issues with decisions we have taken, therefore we
decline to conduct an internal review.


The Trust believes that we did not breach the compliance time and that we
complied with the Cabinet Office FOI Code of Practice when asking for
clarification. We responded as soon as we could, but we apologise that
processing the request took longer than you were anticipating.


We can see that you have made a further request for the information,
referenced FOI-0554-22, we can confirm that our initial response still
stands as the Trust has not yet received the information at the time of
your request. If you would like to withdraw this further request and make
another request in one month time, please could you inform us that you
would like to withdraw.


Kind regards



Barts Health  NHS   Freedom of Information Team
Information Governance Department
Churchill Place Offices
* Email: [Barts Health NHS Trust request email]   
9^th Floor,
8 Web: [1]http://www.bartshealth.nhs.uk/  
20 Churchill Place,
Canary Wharf,  

E14 5HJ



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