Tennant information
Dear Trafford Housing Trust,
I am asking for the reason(s) why the previous tenants left property 13 field walk Hale
I would also like to know of any anti social behaviour complaints made about tenants living in numbers 11-14 field walk Hale tha dates I would like you to include are 2014-2018
Yours faithfully,
Jayne Cummins
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Dear Jayne
Thank you for your email.
I'm sorry I'm unable to send you the information you've asked for.
Firstly your request is made under the Freedom of Information Act, and Trafford Housing Trust is not a public body for the purposes of this Act so we aren't bound by it.
Secondly your request is for personal information about other people, and it would be a breach of data protection legislation for me to provide this to you.
If you're unsure about what information an organisation can and can't provide you with, you can look at the Information Commissioner's website which has some helpful guidance https://ico.org.uk/
Yours sincerely
Vicky Parr | Governance & Compliance Manager | Governance & Business Assurance | Company Secretariat
DDi: 0161 968 0596 | [mobile number] | Main: 0300 777 7777 | Fax: 0300 777 7778 | e: [email address] | w: www.traffordhousingtrust.co.uk
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