Tender scores
Dear Electoral Commission,
For any last ten tenders awarded through competitive tendering in the last two years that were evaluated separately on price and quality, please provide the scores of all evaluated bidders for both price and quality, as a proportion of the total possible score for each category. Bidders need not be named.
Yours faithfully,
Dear RedBecka,
Our Ref: FOI 040-23
Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act dated 17
April 2023 and received by the Commission today, 18 April 2023. You wrote:
For any last ten tenders awarded through competitive tendering in the last
two years that were evaluated separately on price and quality, please
provide the scores of all evaluated bidders for both price and quality, as
a proportion of the total possible score for each category. Bidders need
not be named.
The Commission aims to respond to requests for information promptly and
within the statutory timeframe of twenty working days.
You may expect to receive a reply sent from the Commission by 18 May 2023.
Yours sincerely
Information Officer
[1][Electoral Commission request email]
The Electoral Commission
Visible links
1. mailto:[Electoral Commission request email]
2. https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/
Dear Ben Taylor,
Our Ref: FOI 040-23
Thank you for your email yesterday confirming your name. We will use this
in our future correspondence with you.
Yours sincerely
Information Officer
[1][Electoral Commission request email]
The Electoral Commission
Visible links
1. mailto:[Electoral Commission request email]
2. https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/
Dear Ben Taylor,
Our Ref: FOI-040-23
Thank you for your email to the Electoral Commission dated 17 April 2023
and received by the Commission on 18 April 2023.
The Commission aims to respond to requests for information promptly and
has done so within the statutory timeframe of twenty working days.
Your request is shown below followed by our response.
For any last ten tenders awarded through competitive tendering in the last
two years that were evaluated separately on price and quality, please
provide the scores of all evaluated bidders for both price and quality, as
a proportion of the total possible score for each category. Bidders need
not be named.
Our response is as follows:
We hold the information you have requested.
Please see the attached document.
The Commission strives to be an open, transparent authority and I trust
that this information satisfies your request.
If you are not satisfied with this response, please note that the
Commission operates a review procedure, details of which can be found on
the Commission website at:
Please also note that if you have exhausted all internal Commission review
procedures and you are still not satisfied you have the right to appeal to
the Information Commissioner. Details of this procedure can be found on
the ICO website: [2]https://ico.org.uk/.
Yours sincerely
Information Officer
[3][Electoral Commission request email]
The Electoral Commission
Visible links
1. https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/f...
2. https://ico.org.uk/
3. mailto:[Electoral Commission request email]
4. https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/
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