Tender scores

The request was successful.

Dear Insolvency Service,

For any last ten tenders awarded through competitive tendering in the last two years that were evaluated separately on price and quality, please provide the scores of all evaluated bidders for both price and quality, as a proportion of the total possible score for each category. Bidders need not be named.

Yours faithfully,


FOI, Insolvency Service

Good Afternoon,

The FOI team acknowledge your Freedom of Information Request and it has been assigned the reference number FOI23/24-009

FOIA gives certain rights to members of the public to access information held by public authorities. The act also encourages public authorities to proactively make information available to members of the public (except where exemptions apply) and respond to requests within 20 working days.

We will review your request and provide a response by 19th May, in line with the 20 working days statutory target. If we require any clarification in any aspects of your request, we will endeavour to contact you.

I can confirm that there is no cost involved in requesting this information.

Kind regards

Information Rights Team | The Insolvency Service - Delivering economic confidence| [Insolvency Service request email] | Twitter @InsolvencyGovUK | https://www.gov.uk/government/organisati...

The Insolvency Service is now delivering its services both remotely and through its offices. Please refer to our GOV.UK content for the latest information on how to contact us and to find answers to common questions. Thanks for your co-operation.

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show quoted sections

FOI, Insolvency Service

Good afternoon,

Thank you for your FOIA request.

In order to process your request we require some more information.

We need to understand if what you’re requesting is the information below:

An anonymised report detailing the Price and Quality Scores for each
Supplier involved in the last 10 Competitive Tenders (including Framework
Mini-Competitions) delivered by Insolvency Service (covering a maximum
period of 2 years).


Please confirm if this is correct. We can only process the request once we
have received confirmation from you.


Kind regards


Information Rights Team | The Insolvency Service – Delivering economic
confidence| [1][Insolvency Service request email] | Twitter [2]@InsolvencyGovUK |


The Insolvency Service is now delivering its services both remotely and
through its offices. Please refer to our [4]GOV.UK content for the latest
information on how to contact us and to find answers to common questions.
Thanks for your co-operation.


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Dear FOI,

Yes, I can confirm that is the requested information.

Yours sincerely,


FOI, Insolvency Service

2 Attachments

Good afternoon


Please see the attached response to your FOIA request.


Kind regards


Information Rights Team | The Insolvency Service – Delivering economic
confidence| [1][Insolvency Service request email] | Twitter [2]@InsolvencyGovUK |


The Insolvency Service is now delivering its services both remotely and
through its offices. Please refer to our [4]GOV.UK content for the latest
information on how to contact us and to find answers to common questions.
Thanks for your co-operation.


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all the material from your system. To see how the Insolvency Service uses
your personal information please [5]Click Here.
www.gov.uk/insolvency-service ###########################


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