Tender scores

The request was successful.

Dear Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency,

For any last ten tenders awarded through competitive tendering in the last two years that were evaluated separately on price and quality, please provide the scores of all evaluated bidders for both price and quality, as a proportion of the total possible score for each category. Bidders need not be named.

Yours faithfully,


FOI, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency

Dear RedBecka

Thank you for your e-mail dated 18 April requesting information.

Section 8 - (1) (b) of the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) states a requester must include their real name. The Information Commissioners Office guidance states that the intention of the legislation is so that a request can be processed in accordance with the requirements of the FOIA. If a requestor has not provided their name they will have no recourse to make a complaint to the Commissioner if they are dissatisfied with the response. This is because the Commissioner’s powers only extend to requests for information as defined under Section 8 of the Act.

In this instance as you have either provided only your first name or a pseudonym. Please can you provide details of your full name. Once this information has been received we will be able to address your FOI request.


Freedom of Information Team
Strategy, Policy and Communications Directorate | C2E |  DVLA | Swansea | SA6 7JL

Our online services are the quickest and easiest way to transact with us. Go to gov.uk/dvla now.
Ein gwasanaethau ar-lein yw'r ffordd gyflymaf a hawsaf o drafod gyda ni. Ewch i gov.uk/dvla-cymraeg nawr.
Twitter: @dvlagovuk  |  Facebook: dvlagovuk  |  YouTube: dvlagov

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Dear FOI,

My name: Benjamin Taylor

Yours sincerely,


FOI, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency

Thank you for your e-mail confirming your name. The DVLA are dealing with your request under the terms of The Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Your request has been given reference number: FOIR10473.

You should expect to receive a reply to your request by 18 May

If you have any further questions or enquiries on this request please quote the reference number.


Freedom of Information Team
Strategy, Policy and Communications Directorate | C2E |  DVLA | Swansea | SA6 7JL

Our online services are the quickest and easiest way to transact with us. Go to gov.uk/dvla now.
Ein gwasanaethau ar-lein yw'r ffordd gyflymaf a hawsaf o drafod gyda ni. Ewch i gov.uk/dvla-cymraeg nawr.
Twitter: @dvlagovuk  |  Facebook: dvlagovuk  |  YouTube: dvlagov

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FOI, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency

3 Attachments

Please see attached our response to your recent freedom of information



Freedom of Information Team

Strategy, Policy & Communications Directorate | C2E | DVLA | Swansea  |



Our online services are the quickest and easiest way to transact with us.
Go to [2]gov.uk/dvla now.

Ein gwasanaethau ar-lein yw'r ffordd gyflymaf a hawsaf o drafod gyda ni.
Ewch i gov.uk/dvla-cymraeg nawr.

Twitter: [3]@dvlagovuk  |  Facebook: [4]dvlagovuk  |  YouTube: [5]dvlagov




Correspondents should note that all communications to DVLA may be
automatically logged, monitored and/or recorded for lawful purposes.

Please visit [6]www.gov.uk/browse/driving for government information on
all aspects of motoring, ranging from log books and driving licences to
driving tests and vehicle tax.


Visible links
1. http://www.gov.uk/dvla
2. http://www.gov.uk/dvla
3. http://www.twitter.com/dvlagovuk
4. http://www.facebook.com/dvlagovuk
5. http://www.youtube.com/dvlagov
6. http://www.gov.uk/browse/driving