Tender scores
Dear Intellectual Property Office,
For any last ten tenders awarded through competitive tendering in the last two years that were evaluated separately on price and quality, please provide the scores of all evaluated bidders for both price and quality, as a proportion of the total possible score for each category. Bidders need not be named.
Yours faithfully,
Dear RedBecka,
Thank you for your information request. Before we process it could you please confirm that 'RedBecka' is your real name, or if not kindly provide it. As you may be aware section 8(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information Act requires applicants to state their name. Once you have either confirmed you are indeed using your real name, or if you are using a pseudonym provided your real name, we will be able to begin processing your request.
Alison Smith | Information Rights Manager
Intellectual Property Office | Concept House | Cardiff Road | Newport | South Wales | NP10 8QQ
Tel: +44 (0)1633 814587 | Email: [Intellectual Property Office request email]
Dear RedBecka,
Thank you for your reply. Your request will be processed under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act and we will respond as soon as possible within 20 working days, i.e. by 19 May 2023.
Alison Smith | Information Rights Manager
Intellectual Property Office | Concept House | Cardiff Road | Newport | South Wales | NP10 8QQ
Tel: +44 (0)1633 814587 | Email: [Intellectual Property Office request email]
Dear RedBecka,
I am replying to your information request of 18 April 2023. Please accept my apologies for responding a few days late.
I have attached the IPO tender scores as I understand you require. Please let me know if you need any further information or explanation.
Alison Smith | Information Rights Manager
Intellectual Property Office | Concept House | Cardiff Road | Newport | South Wales | NP10 8QQ
Tel: +44 (0)1633 814587 | Email: [Intellectual Property Office request email]
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