Tender scores

The request was successful.

Dear Care Quality Commission,

For any last ten tenders awarded through competitive tendering in the last two years that were evaluated separately on price and quality, please provide the scores of all evaluated bidders for both price and quality, as a proportion of the total possible score for each category. Bidders need not be named.

Yours faithfully,


Information Access, Care Quality Commission

Dear RedBecka


I acknowledge receipt of your correspondence dated 18 April 2023, in which
you made a request for information.


Your request is as follows:


“For any last ten tenders awarded through competitive tendering in the
last two years that were evaluated separately on price and quality, 
please provide the scores of all evaluated bidders for both price and
quality, as a proportion of the total possible score for each category.
Bidders need not be named”


CQC will consider your request in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (FOIA).


Our statutory deadline for response is 18 May 2023, but we will in any
event endeavour to respond as soon as possible.


We will write to you if we are unable to meet this deadline.


The information you have requested may be subject to an exemption from the
right to know. Should this occur, we will explain the reasons why when we




On behalf of:

Information Access Team


For information about CQC, including contact details, information about
how we use and protect personal data, and how to request information from
us, go to [1]https://www.cqc.org.uk/contact-us


-------------- The contents of this email and any attachments are
confidential to the intended recipient. They may not be disclosed to or
used by or copied in any way by anyone other than the intended recipient.
If this email is received in error, please notify us immediately by
clicking "Reply" and delete the email. Please note that neither the Care
Quality Commission nor the sender accepts any responsibility for viruses
and it is your responsibility to scan or otherwise check this email and
any attachments. Any views expressed in this message are those of the
individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be
the views of the Care Quality Commission. Information on how the Care
Quality Commission processes personal data is available here


Visible links
1. https://www.cqc.org.uk/contact-us

Dear Information Access,

For clarification, my name is Benjamin Taylor.

Yours sincerely,


Information Access, Care Quality Commission

1 Attachment

Dear RedBecka


I wite further to your request for information made on 18 April 2023.


Information Requested:


“For any last ten tenders awarded through competitive tendering in the
last two years that were evaluated separately on price and quality, 
please provide the scores of all evaluated bidders for both price and
quality, as a proportion of the total possible score for each category.
Bidders need not be named”


The Information Access team has now coordinated a response to your


CQC has considered your request in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (FOIA).


Please see attached spreadsheet which provides you with the recorded
information you seek. 


CQC Complaints and Internal Review procedure


If you are not satisfied with our handling of your request, then you may
request an internal review.


Please clearly indicate that you wish for a review to be conducted and
state the reason(s) for requesting the review.


Please note that it is usual practice to accept a request for an internal
review within 40 working days from the date of this response. The [1]FOIA
code of practice advises that public authorities are not obliged to accept
internal reviews after this date.


Please be aware that the review process will focus upon our handling of
your request and whether CQC have complied with the requirements of the
Freedom of Information Act 2000. The internal review process should not be
used to raise concerns about the provision of care or the internal
processes of other CQC functions.


If you are unhappy with other aspects of the CQC's actions, or of the
actions of registered providers, please see our website for information on
how to raise a concern or complaint:




To request a review please contact:


Information Access

Care Quality Commission



Newcastle upon Tyne



E-mail: [3][CQC request email]


Further rights of appeal exist to the Information Commissioner’s Office
under section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 once the internal
appeals process has been exhausted.


The contact details are:


Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Telephone: 0303 123 1113

Website: [4]www.ico.org.uk


Kind regards


Information Access Officer


Telephone: 03000 616161


For information about CQC, including contact details, information about
how we use and protect personal data, and how to request information from
us, go to [5]https://www.cqc.org.uk/contact-us


-------------- The contents of this email and any attachments are
confidential to the intended recipient. They may not be disclosed to or
used by or copied in any way by anyone other than the intended recipient.
If this email is received in error, please notify us immediately by
clicking "Reply" and delete the email. Please note that neither the Care
Quality Commission nor the sender accepts any responsibility for viruses
and it is your responsibility to scan or otherwise check this email and
any attachments. Any views expressed in this message are those of the
individual sender, except where the sender specifically states them to be
the views of the Care Quality Commission. Information on how the Care
Quality Commission processes personal data is available here


Visible links
1. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk...
2. http://www.cqc.org.uk/contact-us
3. mailto:[CQC request email]
4. http://www.ico.org.uk/
5. https://www.cqc.org.uk/contact-us