Tenant suicide due to safeguarding failures: compensation

The request was partially successful.

Peoples Information Center

Dear Homes for Haringey,

I write in reference to the tenant who committed suicide in January 2016 after being served with an NTQ (page 17 of HfH's latest accounts filed at Companies House).

Has HfH paid any amount to the sister of the tenant as compensation / redress for HfH's role in her brother's death?

If yes, please provide the sum, or if not possible please provide the number of figures.

Are there any legal claims pending? (for example negligence claim by tenant's sister)

Yours faithfully,

Antony Steig
Peoples Information Center

ComplaintsHFH, Homes for Haringey

Dear Mr Steig


We have considered your request but are not able to confirm or deny
whether we hold the information you have requested. If we did hold the
information, we would not release it under the Freedom of Information Act
because you are asking for personal information about another person.


Providing that information to you would breach our obligations to that
person under the Data Protection Act. Because of that, this request is
exempt from the Freedom of Information Act Section 40(2).


This letter is a refusal notice as required by the Freedom of Information


If you have any further queries, or are unhappy with how we have dealt
with your request and wish to make a complaint, please contact the
Feedback and Information Governance Team as below. (Please note you should
do this within two months of receiving this response.)  


Information Governance Team

5th Floor,

Alexandra House,

10 Station Road,


N22 7TR

Telephone: 020 8489 1988

Email: [1][email address]



You may also complain to the Information Commissioner’s office, who may be
able to help you.  However they would normally expect the local authority
to have undertaken a complaint investigation or Internal Review of the
request before they will accept the referral.  You can contact the
Commissioner at:


Information Commissioner

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Phone help line:        0303 123 1113

Website:         www.ico.gov.uk



Yours sincerely


Yours Truly


Jarrod Markcoons I Feedback Team Leader


Homes for Haringey

Broadwater Farm Community Centre I London I N17 6HE

Tel: 0208 489 4321

E: [email address]

E: [email address]


show quoted sections

Peoples Information Center

Dear Homes for Haringey,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Homes for Haringey's handling of my FOI request 'Tenant suicide due to safeguarding failures: compensation'.

The grounds of the internal review are that the information should be released redacted where necessary. Whether or not compensation was granted would not reveal anyone's personal data or risk doing so.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/t...

Yours faithfully,

Antony Steig
Peoples Information Center

Homes for Haringey

Dear Mr Steig,


Internal Review regarding Freedom of Information request reference [Enter
ref number of original request]


Thank you for your email received on 16 April 2018.


Your request for an Internal Review has been logged with the reference
LBH/7284418. Please quote this reference number on any further


We will now review the response you have been sent to the above request
and I aim to let you know the outcome of our investigation by 15 May
2018. If I need longer, I will write to let you know the reason and when
you can expect a full reply.


Yours sincerely,



Sue Dyos

Feedback Team Leader


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administrator at Haringey Council immediately and delete this e-mail from
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communications sent to or from external third party organisations may be
subject to recording and/or monitoring in accordance with relevant

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Steig,


Please see attached response to the Internal Review of case reference




Sue Dyos

Feedback Team Leader 

Shared Service Centre | Central Team

Haringey Council


This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential, may be
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1 Attachment

Dear Mr Steig,


Please see attached response to your request,




Sue Dyos

Feedback Team Leader 

Shared Service Centre | Central Team

Haringey Council


This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential, may be
subject to legal privilege and are intended only for the person(s) or
organisation(s) to whom this email is addressed. Any unauthorised use,
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you have received this email in error, please notify the system
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