Temporary Branch Closures as of 31st March 2020
Dear Post Office Limited,
In a letter to Marion Fellows MP of 8th June 2020, Post Office CEO Nick Read reveals a total of 1199 temporary branch closures across the network at 31st March 2020. This figure is exclusive of branches impacted by Covid-19.
i) Please can you reveal how many of the 1199 closures were triggered by irregularities in branch accounts following POL audits?
Ii) Of any closures due irregularities in branch accounts, how many sub-postmasters:
a) were suspended?
b) have been re-instated?
c) had their contracts terminated?
(Letter in Hansard Deposited Paper’s):
Yours faithfully,
Eleanor Shaikh
Dear Ms Shaikh,
Please find an acknowledgement attached to your Freedom of Information
Kerry Moodie
Information Rights Team
Ground Floor
Finsbury Dials
20 Finsbury Street
London EC2Y 9AQ
0333 665 3951
Dear Ms Shaikh,
Please find the response attached to your Freedom of Information request.
Kerry Moodie
Information Rights Team
Ground Floor
Finsbury Dials
20 Finsbury Street
London EC2Y 9AQ
0333 665 3951
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