Department for
Information Governance,
Caldicott & SIRO Support
Royal Hallamshire Hospital
Jacob Johnson
2 Claremont Place
S10 2TB
Tel: 0114-2265151
27th February 2023
Our ref: FOI RFI 010494
Your ref: email received 1st February 2023
Dear Jacob
Freedom of Information Request
Further to your email dated and received by the Trust on 1st February 2023, our response to your
request is as follows (highlighted in blue):
Please could you provide the following information under the freedom of information act covering the last 12
months, or the most recent 12 month period recorded:
1. Has the Trust used agencies to recruit temporary non‐medical non‐clinical staff? Yes
1a. If so please confirm the total agency spend on non‐medical non clinical temporary staff? £1,200,364.00
1b. Please provide a breakdown of your answer to question 1a, splitting the spend by job title/specialism
Agency spend on non‐
medical non‐clinical
Staff Group
temporary staff
Admin & Clerical
Please note the data we hold doesn’t enable us to specify job title. We can only break down by staff group.
2. Has the Trust used agencies to recruit permanent non‐medical non‐clinical staff? Yes
2a. If so please confirm the total agency spend on non‐medical non clinical permanent staff? £30,233.44
2b. Please provide a breakdown of your answer to question 2a, splitting the spend by job title/specialism
Agency spend on
non‐medical non‐
clinical permanent
Staff Group
Admin & Clerical
Please note the data we hold doesn’t enable us to specify job title. We can only break down by staff group.
3. The contact name of the person responsible for dealing with non‐medical non clinical permanent
Processed via a central team
4. The contact name of the person responsible for dealing with non‐medical non clinical temporary
Processed via a central team
Please note the provision of the staff contact details in the attached does not imply consent for the personal
data being processed for the purposes of direct marketing as it would constitute an unwarranted interference
on the staff rights under Article 21 of the General Data Protection Regulation, this applies to communications
by electronic and non‐electronic means.
This completes the Trust response to your request, but please note:
Your rights
If you are unhappy with the way we have handled your request, you may ask for an internal review in
accordance with Section VI Complaints Procedures of the Section 45 Code of Practice of the Freedom
of Information Act 2000: and in accordance with Appendix E of the Trust’s Code of Practice for
Responding to Requests for Information (v 7.0 dated 29/07/19).
If you wish to complain you should contact:
Head of Information Governance/Data Protection Officer
Department for Information Governance, Caldicott & SIRO Support
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Hallamshire Hospital
2 Claremont Place
S10 2TB
Tel: 0114 226 5151
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the
Information Commissioner for a decision.
The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
If you have any queries about this letter, please contact me. Please remember to quote the reference
number above in any future communications
Yours sincerely
Joanne Sturdy
Information Governance Officer