Temporary and Permanent Recruitment Information Request

The request was partially successful.

Dear North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust,

Please could you provide the following information under the freedom of information act covering the last 12 months, or the most recent 12 month period recorded:

1. Has the Trust used agencies to recruit temporary non-medical non-clinical staff?
1a. If so please confirm the total agency spend on non-medical non clinical temporary staff?
1b. Please provide a breakdown of your answer to question 1a, splitting the spend by job title/specialism

2. Has the Trust used agencies to recruit permanent non-medical non-clinical staff?
2a. If so please confirm the total agency spend on non-medical non clinical permanent staff?
2b. Please provide a breakdown of your answer to question 2a, splitting the spend by job title/specialism

3. The contact name of the person responsible for dealing with non-medical non clinical permanent recruitment?

4. The contact name of the person responsible for dealing with non-medical non clinical temporary recruitment?

Please respond as soon as possible, thanks for your cooperation in advance.

Yours faithfully,

Jacob Johnson

FOI Requests (NSCHT), North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust

Dear Sir / Madam

Please accept this as acknowledgement of receipt of your request for
information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

We are processing your request which is due to you within 20 working days 
in accordance with the deadline stipulated by the Act.

Kind Regards

Lisa Wilkinson

Corporate Governance Manager / Assistant Trust Board Secretary

LisaM Wilkinson (RLY) NSCHT, North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust

3 Attachments

Dear Jacob

Please find attached a response to your FOI request

Many thanks

Lisa Wilkinson

Corporate Governance Manager / Assistant Trust Board Secretary

North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust

Lawton House, Bellringer Road, Trentham Lakes South

Trentham, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 8HH

Telephone: 0300 123 1535 extension 2030

Internal extension: FN 2030

[mobile number]

Website: [1]www.combined.nhs.uk

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