Temporary Accommodation/ Housing FOI request - 8.7.22

The request was successful.

Dear Gosport Borough Council,

I am writing to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act.

Q1. Of the households living with children in temporary accommodation at the end of December 2021 (the last quarterly data publicly available), how many were placed in accommodation outside of your local authority area?

Q2. Of the households living with children in temporary accommodation in each of the following financial years, how many were placed in accommodation outside of your local authority area?
a. 2017/2018
b. 2018/2019
c. 2019/2020
d. 2020/2021
e. 2021/2022

Q3. For the households with children who left a placement in B&B/ hotel accommodation during each of the following financial years, what was the average time spent in B&B/hotel accommodation?
a. 2017/2018
b. 2018/2019
c. 2019/2020
d. 2020/2021
e. 2021/2022

Yours faithfully,

Sally Wardle

FOI Enquiries, Gosport Borough Council

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Leadbeater, Linda, Gosport Borough Council

Dear Sally
Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Request for Information
GBC Ref: FOI2451
Thank you for your request for information dated 8/7/22, this is currently
being dealt with in accordance with the legislation and you will receive a
response within 20 working days (10/8/22).
In the meantime if I can be of further assistance please do not hesitate
to contact me.
Details of our Internal Review process can be found on our website
Yours sincerely
Linda Leadbeater
Gosport Borough Council
Town Hall
PO12 1EB
Telephone: 023 9254 5682


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Brooks, Anna, Gosport Borough Council



Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Request for Information

GBC Ref: FOI 2451(A)


Thank you for your information request dated 8^th July 2022.


Please find below the information you have requested.


Q1.         Of the households living with children in temporary
accommodation at the end of December 2021 (the last quarterly data
publicly available), how many were placed in accommodation outside of your
local authority area?  1  (For tenancies beginning before Dec 21 and
ending after Dec 21)


Q2.         Of the households living with children in temporary
accommodation in each of the following financial years, how many were
placed in accommodation outside of your local authority area?

a.            2017/2018  - Don’t have the data for this year

b.            2018/2019 - 9

c.             2019/2020 - 9

d.            2020/2021 - 2

e.            2021/2022 - 3


Q3.         For the households with children who left a placement in B&B/
hotel accommodation during each of the following financial years, what was
the average time spent in B&B/hotel accommodation?

a.            2017/2018 - Don’t have the data for this year

b.            2018/2019 – 6 days

c.             2019/2020 – 9.5 days

d.            2020/2021 – 11 days

e.            2021/2022 – 9.5 days




Please contact me again if you require any further assistance on this
matter and I will do my best to provide relevant help and advice.


If you are not content with the outcome of your request, you have the
right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision.
The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:  Information
Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9
5AF; or telephone: 08456 30 60 60 or 01625 54 57 45; or at
[1]www.ico.org.uk  There is no charge for making an appeal.  The Council
does not provide an internal review or complaints procedure relating to
the handling of requests for information.


Yours sincerely


Anna Brooks

FOI Co-ordinator/Housing Services

Gosport Borough Council

Town Hall


PO12 1EB

Telephone: 023 9254 5682



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