Telecare monitoring - in-house or outsourced provision
Dear Forest of Dean District Council,
Please can you provide under the Freedom of Information Act details with respect to your provision of assisted technology and monitoring services provided by the local authority:
1. Does the local authority provide telecare monitoring services in-house or are these services outsourced to a third party?
2. If the monitoring services are delivered by the local authority can you please provide contact details of the person managing the service (please provide name, job title, email address and phone number)
3. If the monitoring services are provided by a third party please supply the name of the organisation.
4. If the monitoring services are delivered by the local authority can you please can you please supply the name of the platform used.
5. How far ahead are you with the analogue to digital switch?
Yours faithfully,
Debra A
Thank you for your FOI Request this will be passed onto the correct department to be able to respond to your request.
Please note if your FOI Request is received on a weekend or any England/Scotland/Wales Bank Holidays your 20 day response time starts on the next working day.
Many thanks
Freedom of Information
Publica is a company wholly owned by Cotswold District Council, Forest of Dean District Council, West Oxfordshire District Council and Cheltenham Borough Council to deliver local services on their behalf.
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Recipients should be aware that all e-mails and attachments sent and received by Publica on behalf of West Oxfordshire, Cotswold and/or Forest of Dean District Council may be accessible to others in the Council for business or litigation purposes, and/or disclosed to a third party under the Freedom of Information or Data Protection Legislation.
Further to your request, this information is held by Oxfordshire County
Council and not West Oxfordshire District Council
Please redirect your FOI request to Oxfordshire County Council at
[1][email address]
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Team
West Oxfordshire District Council
Publica is a company wholly owned by Cotswold District Council, Forest of
Dean District Council, West Oxfordshire District Council and Cheltenham
Borough Council to deliver local services on their behalf.
The content of this email and any related emails do not constitute a
legally binding agreement and we do not accept service of court
proceedings or any other formal notices by email unless specifically
agreed by us in writing.
Recipients should be aware that all e-mails and attachments sent and
received by Publica on behalf of West Oxfordshire, Cotswold and/or Forest
of Dean District Council may be accessible to others in the Council for
business or litigation purposes, and/or disclosed to a third party under
the Freedom of Information or Data Protection Legislation.
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