Technology Proof Of Concept Fund - Timescales
Dear One North East,
Please provide the following:
1) The number of requests for financing made to the Technology Proof of Concept Fund in the last 12 months (or a shorter time period not less than 6 months, if this takes less time for you to collate).
2) The number of requests denied for the timescales above.
3) The number of requests granted for the timescales above.
4) For each request which has been made to the Technology Proof of Concept Fund (for the timescales as above), the amount of time from the request being made to a decision on the request taking place.
Yours faithfully,
James Inman
Thank you for your e-mail received 12 May 2010 in which you made a
request for certain information from One North East.
I can confirm that we have begun our investigation into your query and
expect to revert to you within the 20 day deadline.
Jaymes Glew
Legal Secretary
Dear James
Thank you for your request. Could I clarify whether you mean the Finance for Business North East Technology Proof of Concept fund? If so, this is a very new fund and as such we hold no information as yet relating to investments.
Please let me know if this is not the fund you referred to.
Kind regards
Nicola Barnett
Specialist Advisor
Legal Services
One North East
( 0191 229 6817
È07733 465 964
6 0191 229 6227
* [email address]
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