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GB Paper 
No 10.A.14 
Report of the General Board on the University Library and the Centre for 
Applied Research in Educational Technologies 
The General Board beg leave to report to the University as follows: 
1. The Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technologies (CARET) 
was established in July 2000 (Reporter 1999-2000 p 820) to assist 
Departments and Faculties in understanding how existing educational 
technologies could be deployed, and new systems and applications 
developed. In the Michaelmas Term 2007, the General Board set up a 
committee to review teaching and learning support services in the University  
(Reporter 2007-08 p 526). The scope of the review principally concerned 
activities currently supported by the University Library (UL), the University 
Computing Service, the Language Centre, CARET, and Faculty and 
Departmental Libraries, as well as the coordination of pedagogic support. The 
report of the review was the subject of a Discussion on a topic of concern on 7 
July 2009 (Reporter 2009-10 p 988). The Board’s response to that Discussion 
was published together with the report in November 2009 (Reporter p 256 and 
p 261). 
2. A central recommendation of the review was that the University Library 
should become responsible for the provision and dissemination of electronic 
materials for teaching and learning across the University and that there should 
be a rolling development programme of pedagogic support and innovation 
implemented by the UL but developed through a new Teaching & Learning 
Services Steering Group to be a joint sub-committee of the General Board’s 
Education Committee, determining academic policy, and the Information 
Strategy and Services Syndicate, setting IT strategy. The General Board have 
agreed to set up this new Committee with effect from the beginning of the next 
academic year. Amongst the other recommendations the Review Committee 
proposed that the governance structure of CARET should be changed, along 
with its basis of funding, to ensure the longer term future of the Centre; and 
that CARET should be placed, along with permanent core funding, within the 
UL. The Library Syndicate and the CARET Management Committee endorsed 
this recommendation, which is also supported by the University Librarian and 
the Director of CARET. The General Board have now agreed to proceed with 
this recommendation. 
3. Within the UL, CARET’s primary role would be to provide a focus for 
support of innovation in teaching and learning including the investigation and 
development of new technologies, advice on pedagogical issues and 
engagement with the academic community to support new teaching methods. 
CARET would also fulfil a key role in the UL programme of pedagogic support 
and innovation to be steered by the Teaching & Learning Services Steering 
Group. CARET will also be an important constituent of the internal and 
external partnerships planned by the UL as part of its Strategic Plan.The 

CARET Management Committee has played a key role in its development 
and this structure will remain in place.  It would fit within the current University 
Library governance structure with the CARET Committee of Management 
performing an analogous role to the current sub-syndicates for the four 
dependent Libraries. The Library Syndicate supervises the management of 
dependent libraries through the sub-syndicates and it is proposed that it 
should supervise the management of CARET, through the CARET 
Management Committee with appropriate cross membership between the two 
bodies. The General Board consider that this development should not detract 
in any way from the UL’s role as a scholarly resource for academic staff and 
students primarily but not exclusively in the arts humanities and social 
sciences. Rather it is a necessary and logical extension of the Library’s 
central role as an information provider harnessing modern technology, in a 
way appropriate to its standing both nationally and internationally.  
4. Pending the formation of the Teaching & Learning Services Steering 
Group, the Librarian and the Director of CARET have begun to consider the 
framework within which the UL and CARET will work together to develop 
pedagogical support across the University.  In the meantime, CARET staff 
and relevant UL staff are already working together on the Arcadia project, 
which aims to increase the library’s capability to provide users, especially 
undergraduates, with networked services. The University Librarian and the 
Director of CARET are preparing a joint submission to the 2009-10 Planning 
Round (having originally made independent submissions) to be made in June 
2010. In addition, the UL has recently sought and  obtained external funding 
to build a digital library infrastructure which will result in scholarly content that 
supports teaching and learning being made available via CamTools. .  
5. The opportunity is also taken to revise the regulations for the University 
Library that concern residence and the office of Deputy Librarian, to bring 
them into line with current arrangements. 
The General Board accordingly recommend: 
That the Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technologies be 
incorporated within the University Library with effect from 1 August 
2010 and that the regulations for the University Library and the Centre 
for Applied Research in Educational Technologies be amended as set 
out in the Schedule to this Report. 

Amendment to Regulations 
A. University Library (S&O p 642) 
The University Library and the four dependent libraries (the Betty and Gordon Moore 
Library, the Central Science Library, the Medical Library, and the Squire Law Library) and 
the Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technologies shall jointly constitute an 
institution under the supervision of the General Board. 
Library Syndicate 
1. The Library Syndicate shall consist of: 
(a) the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy), who shall be Chairman; 
(b) two persons appointed by the Council, who shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to 
serve for two years from 1 January following; 
(c) eight persons appointed by the General Board, who shall be appointed in the Michaelmas 
Term to serve for four years from 1 January following; 
(d) two persons elected from among their own number by the holders of University offices in 
the University Library, who shall be elected in the Michaelmas Term to serve for two years 
from 1 January following; 
(e) not more than four persons co-opted by the Syndicate; 
(f) not more than two members of the University in statu pupillari co-opted by the Syndicate. 
Members in classes (e) and (f) shall serve until 31 December of the year following that in 
which they are co-opted, provided that if a member in class (f) ceases to be in statu pupillari 
he or she shall thereupon cease to be a member in that class. 
2. All meetings of the Syndicate shall be summoned by the Vice-Chancellor; there shall be at 
least one and normally two meetings each term. 
3. No business shall be transacted at any meeting unless at least four members are present. 
Reserved business. 
4. Under the provisions of Statute K, 20(c), the appointment of members of the Board of 
Electors to the office of Librarian, the appointment of members of the Appointments 
Committee for the University Library, and the co-optation of members of the Syndicate in 
class (e) shall be reserved business. 
Duties and powers. 
5. (a) The Syndicate shall supervise the management of the University Library. 
(b) There shall be a Science Libraries Sub-syndicate, a Medical Library Sub-syndicate, and a 
Law Library Sub-syndicate and a Committee of Management for the Centre for Applied 
Research in Educational Technologies. Through the agency of these Sub-syndicates and the 
Committee of Management the Syndicate shall supervise the management of the four 

dependent libraries, viz. the Betty and Gordon Moore Library, the Central Science Library, 
the Medical Library, and the Squire Law Library and, the Centre for Applied Research in 
Educational Technologies. 
(c) The Syndicate shall supervise the management and administration of the Agency for the 
Legal Deposit Libraries and the custody and arrangement of the University Archives. 
6. (a) The Syndicate shall do all such things as in their opinion are necessary or expedient for 
the regulation, security, and improvement of the University Library,  and the dependent 
libraries and the Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technologies. They shall 
exercise a general oversight over all matters relating to the administration, staffing, and 
financial resources of these libraries and the Centre for Applied Research in Educational 
Technologies, and shall be empowered to make recommendations to the General Board about 
the staff, accommodation, and equipment needed for their proper functioning. 
(b) In the exercise of their power of making rules for the management of the Library, the 
Syndicate shall have power to approve, through the agency of the Sub-syndicates, rules for 
the use of the dependent libraries. In the case of the Central Science Library these rules shall 
be consistent with the provisions of the agreement between the University and the 
Philosophical Society. 
(c) The Syndicate shall also be empowered to sell or exchange duplicate books, to deposit on 
loan in any library belonging to the University such books upon such conditions and for such 
periods as they shall think fit, to participate, subject to the provisions of Regulation 12 of the 
regulations for the use of the University Library, in national inter-library lending schemes, 
and, in the exercise of their powers and duties, to make such contracts and charges as they 
shall think fit. 
7. The Syndicate shall make an Annual Report to the General Board, and such other reports to 
the University as they shall think fit. 
Science Libraries Sub-syndicate. 
8. The Science Libraries Sub-syndicate shall consist of: 
(a) four persons appointed by the Library Syndicate; 
(b) two persons appointed by the Council of the Cambridge Philosophical Society; 
(c) two persons appointed by the Council of the School of the Physical Sciences; 
(d) two persons appointed by the Council of the School of Technology; 
(e) two persons appointed by the Council of the School of the Biological Sciences; 
(f) one person appointed by the Medical Library Sub-syndicate; 
(g) not more than three persons co-opted by the Sub-syndicate, provided that it shall not be 
obligatory to co-opt any person or persons; 
(h) one member of the University in statu pupillari, normally a graduate, co-opted by the 
Members in classes (a)–(f) shall serve for four years from 1 January following their 
Members in classes (g) and (h) shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-
opted or of the following year, as the Sub-syndicate shall decide at the time of their co-
optation, provided that if a member in class (h) ceases to be in statu pupillari he or she shall 
thereupon cease to be a member in that class. 
Medical Library Sub-syndicate. 
9. The Medical Library Sub-syndicate shall consist of: 
(a) four persons appointed by the Library Syndicate; 
(b) one person appointed by the Science Libraries Sub-syndicate; 

(c) three persons appointed by the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine; 
(d) not more than three persons co-opted by the Sub-syndicate, provided that it shall not be 
obligatory to co-opt any person or persons; 
(e) one member of the University in statu pupillari, normally a graduate, co-opted by the 
Members in classes (a)–(c) shall serve for four years from 1 January following their 
Members in classes (d) and (e) shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-
opted or of the following year, as the Sub-syndicate shall decide at the time of their co-
optation, provided that if a member in class (e) ceases to be in statu pupillari he or she shall 
thereupon cease to be a member in that class. 
Law Library Sub-syndicate. 
The Law Library Sub-syndicate shall consist of: 
(a) four persons appointed by the Library Syndicate; 
(b) three persons appointed by the Faculty Board of Law; 
(c) not more than three persons co-opted by the Sub-syndicate, provided that it shall not be 
obligatory to co-opt any person or persons; 
(d) not more than two members of the University in statu pupillari co-opted by the Sub-
Members in classes (a) and (b) shall serve for four years from 1 January following their 
Members in classes (c) and (d) shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-
opted or of the following year, as the Sub-syndicate shall decide at the time of their co-
optation, provided that if a member in class (d) ceases to be in statu pupillari he or she shall 
thereupon cease to be a member in that class. 
(a) Each Sub-syndicate shall elect a Chairman from among those of their own members 
who are members of the Library Syndicate. 
(b) No business shall be transacted at any meeting of a Sub-syndicate unless at least four 
members are present. 
(c) The provisions of Statute K, 20 concerning reserved business shall apply to each of the 
Subsyndicates as if it were a body constituted by Statute; the election of the Chairman and the 
co-optation of members of each Sub-syndicate shall also be reserved. 
(d) The Librarian shall act as Secretary of each Sub-syndicate. 
12. In respect of each of the dependent libraries the relevant Sub-syndicate shall have the 
following duties: 
(a) to co-ordinate policies between the University Library and the dependent library; 
(b) to submit recommendations to the Library Syndicate concerning the location in the 
dependent library of library material received under the Copyright Act; 
(c) on behalf of the Library Syndicate, and subject to their approval, to make rules for the use 
of the dependent library; 
(d) to submit to the Library Syndicate statements of needs for the dependent library. In the 
case of the Medical Library and the Squire Law Library such statements shall be submitted 
after consultation with the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine and the Faculty Board of Law 
Co-ordination of periodicals. 

13. The Library Syndicate shall give advice, at the request of any Faculty or Departmental 
Library, or of the General Board, on the co-ordination of the holdings of periodicals in 
libraries within the University. 
Staff of the University Library and the dependent libraries 
1. The staff of the University Library, including for this purpose the dependent libraries (the 
Betty and Gordon Moore Library, the Central Science Library, the Medical Library, and the 
Squire Law Library) and the Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technologies, shall 
consist of the Librarian, the Deputy Librarians, the Director and Assistant Directors of the 
Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technologies, the Senior Under-Librarians, the 
Under- Librarians, the Assistant Under-Librarians, the Assistant Library Officers, the 
Graduate Trainees, the Medical Library Subsyndicate assistants. 
Designated offices. 
2. (a) This staff shall include officers designated by the Library Syndicate, on the 
recommendation of the Librarian, as follows: 
(i) two officers designated respectively Keeper of Manuscripts and University Archives and 
Deputy Keeper of the University Archives; 
(ii) three officers designated for duties in the dependent libraries, who shall be responsible for 
the management of those libraries. 
(b) In addition to the officers specified in sub-paragraph (a)(ii) above, the Library Syndicate, 
on the recommendation of the Librarian, may also designate other officers for duties in any of 
the dependent libraries. 
(c) The Library Syndicate may make appointments to such University offices of Curator as 
may be approved by the General Board, and may appoint such Honorary Keepers as they 
themselves think fit. 
3. The number of University offices of Deputy Librarian, Senior Under-Librarian, Under-
Librarian, Assistant Under-Librarian, Assistant Library Officer, and Graduate Trainee shall be 
determined from time to time by the General Board on the recommendation of the Library 
Syndicate, provided that there shall not be more than two offices of Deputy Librarian. The 
number of University assistants shall be determined from time to time in accordance with the 
regulations for employment by the University. 
4. Appointments and reappointments to a University office on the staff of the University 
Library, other than the office of Librarian or an office of Curator, shall be made in accordance 
with the arrangements agreed from time to time by the competent authority. 
5. Appointments and reappointments to an office of Graduate Trainee shall be for such 
periods as shall be determined under the arrangements in Regulation 4, provided that the total 
tenure of the office shall not exceed three years. 
6. The Librarian and the Deputy Librarians shall be in residence in the University during term 
and for four weeks in the Long Vacation, and shall not be absent for more than two nights in 
any week during Full Term without obtaining the permission of the Chairman of the 

7. The Syndicate shall have power to appoint the a Deputy Librarian to be Acting Librarian 
during any period of absence from duty of the Librarian, or during any period when there is a 
vacancy in the office of Librarian. 
It shall be the duty of the Librarian: 
(a) subject to the direction of the Library Syndicate, to be responsible for the acquisition of 
books, manuscripts, periodicals, microfilms, and other materials appropriate to the University 
Library and the dependent libraries, for their cataloguing, classification, arrangement, and safe 
custody, for their binding, repair, and conservation, for making them available to users subject 
to any safeguards that may be desirable, and for the provision of such other services as may 
be appropriate; 
(b) to perform, in relation to the University Library and the dependent libraries, the duties 
assigned to the Head of a Department by Statute C, V, 3(b) and (c); 
(c) to act as the General Board’s principal adviser on matters relating to libraries. 
The holders of other University offices on the staff of the University Library and the 
dependent libraries shall assist the Librarian and shall carry out their duties in accordance 
with such directions as may be issued from time to time by the Syndicate or the Sub-syndicate 
concerned, as the case may be. 
The stipend, if any, of a Curator appointed under Regulation 2(c) shall be determined 
from time to time by the General Board on the recommendation of the Library Syndicate. The 
tenure of such an office and its duties shall be determined by the Syndicate. 
Subject to the approval of the Syndicate, the Librarian shall assign to the University 
assistants their several duties. 
B. CARET (S&O p634) 
Amended by Notice (Reporter, 2008–09, p. 812) 
1. The Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technologies shall be an institution 
independent of any Faculty or Department, within the University Libraryunder the 
supervision of the General Board. 
Committee of Management. 
2. The Centre shall be under the general control of a Committee of Management, which shall 
consist of: 
(a) a member of the Regent House appointed by the Library SyndicateGeneral Board, who 
shall be Chairman; 
(b) The University Librarian ex officio
(bc) the Director of the University Computing Service ex officio
(dc) the Director of Continuing Education ex officio
(ed) one member of the Regent House appointed by each of the Councils of the Schools; 

(fe) not more than two members of the Regent House co-opted by the Committee. 
Members in classes (a) and (ed) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four 
years from 1 January following their appointment. Members in class (fe) shall be co-opted in 
the Michaelmas Term to serve for one year from 1 January following their co-optation. 
Five members of the Committee shall form a quorum. 
4. Subject to the powers of the Council and the General Board, and the Library Syndicate, the 
duties of the Committee of 
Management shall be: 
(a) to determine the general policy of the Centre; 
(b) to advise the Director on matters arising from the work of the Centre; 
(c) to advise the General Board Library Syndicate on matters relating to the activity of the 
(d) to make an annual report to the General Board Library Syndicate on matters related to the 
 (e) to constitute an Advisory Group comprising three resident members of the University and 
at least three persons who are not resident members of the University to meet at least once a 
year to advise on the broader strategy of the Centre and related activities of institutions within 
the University; 
(ef) to receive reports of the Centre’s activities; 
(g) to receive regular accounts, and approve annual management accounts. 
Staff of the Centre 
There shall be a University office of Director of the Centre, which shall be held on such 
terms and conditions as the General Board after consultation with the Library Syndicate may 
from time to time determine. Appointments and reappointments to the office of Director shall 
be made by the General Board. 
2. The Director shall be the administrative Head of the Centre for Applied Research in 
Educational Technologies, and shall carry out such duties as may be determined by the 
General Board after consultation with the Library Syndicatethe duties assigned to a Head of a 
Department in Statute C, V, 3. 
Assistant Director. 
3. There shall be such number of University offices of Assistant Director of the Centre as the 
General Board may from time to time determine, on the recommendation of the 
DirectorLibrary Syndicate. The duties of the Assistant Directors shall be to assist the Director 
in all matters connected with the work of the Centre. 
During any absence of the Director, or when the office of Director is vacant, the General 
Board may appoint an Acting Director on such terms and conditions as the Board may 

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