Taxi costs
Dear Shetland NHS Board,
I would like to request the following information:
What taxi firm or firms do you currently use, and is this has changed since 2013, please state what toher firms have been used between 2013 and 2017?
Since January 1 2013 until December 31 2017, broken down per year:
How much has been spent on taxis by your health board in this time period?
How many times have taxis been used to transport patients?
How many times have taxis been used to transport staff?
How many times have taxis been used to transport hospital equipment?
How many times have taxis been used to transport organs?
How many times have taxis been used to transport case notes or documents?
If there are any taxi journeys of less than one mile taken in the time period please specify the reason for these journeys and the start and finish destination, as well as the date. (for example TRANSPORTING DOCUMENTS FROM GLASGOW ROYAL INFIRMARY TO GARTNAVEL).
If this request falls noutwith the parameters for cost reasons, please reduce the number of years to fit in with your cost allowances. If you need to do this please let me know, and please come back to me should you have any additional queries about my request.
Yours faithfully,
Rodger Hannah
Dear Sir/Madam
Your FOI request has been received and will be dealt with accordingly and a response collated within 20 working days from original date FoI request was received shown on email below
(within office hours).
Andy Hayes
FoI Administrator
NHS Shetland
c/o Gilbert Bain Hospital
[NHS Shetland request email]
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please find attached the response to your recent FoI request.
If you are unhappy with the way we have dealt with your request please be aware that under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 you do have the right to request a review.
A review request must be made in writing to Carolyn Hand, Corporate Services Manager, NHS Shetland, Board Headquarters, Upper Floor Montfield, Burgh Road, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0LA . You must include your name, an address (or email address) for correspondence, details of your original request and the reason why you wish us to undertake the review.
Kind regards
Andy Hayes
FoI Administrator
NHS Shetland
c/o Gilbert Bain Hospital
[NHS Shetland request email]
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