Taxi and Private hire Enforcement checks

The request was successful.

Horatio K Bromhead

Dear Glasgow City Council,

Please advise during the calendar year 2014 , please advise the following

1)How many checks were made on Taxis
2) How many checks were made on private hire vehicles

During the checks , please advise
1) how many Taxi vehicles were subject to a notification putting the vehicles of the road 2) how many private hire vehicles were subject to a notification putting vehicle of the road

Regarding the checks please advise , how many ..
1)Individual taxis vehicles were checked multiple times
2)Individual Private hire vehicles were checked multiple times

Regarding the checks please advise during 2014 what percentage of the fleet is checked at least once by the enforcement checks.
( EXAMPLE , of an average of 1425 licensed taxis , during 2014 , 712 individual vehicles were checked representing 50% of the fleet was checked during 2014. Further of an average of 2600 licensed private hire vehicles , 1820 individual vehicles were checked representing 70% of fleet)

Further please advise how many times during 2014 did the enforcement team send
1) taxi drivers
2) private hire drivers
to licensing court for breach of licensing conditions regarding illegally plying for hire

Further please advise how many times during 2014 did the enforcement team send
warning letters to :
1) taxi drivers
2) private hire drivers
as regards breach of licensing conditions regarding illegally plying for hire

Yours faithfully,

Horatio K Bromhead

Customer Care Centre, Glasgow City Council

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Horatio K Bromhead

Dear Customer Care Centre,

Please advise why this request has not been fulfilled in a timely manner as per FOI conditions

Yours sincerely,

Horatio K Bromhead

Customer Care Centre, Glasgow City Council

We received your email regarding: RQST00004972912
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will automatically be associated with this Service Request

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Mr Bromhead,


Please find attached Glasgow City Council’s response in respect of your


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