Taxi and private hire complaints
Dear Luton Borough Council,
I am writing to submit a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act pertaining to complaints within your Licensing Team that are recorded about Private Hire Operators, Private Hire Drivers and Taxi Drivers.
Details regarding the nature and circumstances of each incident or complaint, including but not limited to:
Date and time of the incident or complaint.
Description of the incident or complaint.
Steps taken by the driver or operator to address and resolve the incident or complaint.
Any outcomes or resolutions resulting from the incident or complaint.
Please can you provide a list of these complaints, from the period of 2018, along with the action & resolution taken by your licensing team.
Please confirm if Luton Borough Council licensing service investigate complaints which relate to customer service which were not breaches of legislation or conditions of a license.
Please confirm if complaints of criminal activity are investigated by the licensing service if the complainant has not reported the matter to the police and refuses to do so.
Please treat this as a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act.
Yours faithfully,
Peter Mead
Thank you for contacting Luton Council’s Freedom of Information team. We
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Dear LBC Freedom of Information,
I am unable to access your email on Egress. Please respond on this site with the information as requested.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Mead
Thank you for contacting Luton Council’s Freedom of Information team. We
confirm receipt of your request and will contact you in due course.
If you are contacting us about a request you have already made, please
ensure you have included the reference number, and please email again if
you have not included this.
Note, this email address is for Freedom of Information requests only. If
your email is for anything else, we will not be able to assist so please
re-direct your request accordingly. You can see our website
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Reference: LU17923
Dear Requestor,
Your Freedom of Information Request - Acknowledgement.
Thank you for sending your request for information. We are treating this
as a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
The legislation allows us 20 working days to respond to your request. This
is 22/11/2024. If we require any clarification from you in relation to
your request, we will contact you further.
Should you have any queries or concerns about how your request is being
handled, please do not hesitate to contact us, quoting the above
reference, by emailing us at [Luton Borough Council request email] or
writing to us at the above address.
Yours sincerely,
Information Compliance Team
IMPORTANT: Luton Borough Council routinely monitors the content of e-mail
sent and received by its e-mail systems, to ensure compliance with its
policies and procedures. Messages that breach policy or pose a threat may
be quarantined or deleted. Scanning of this message and addition of this
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changes made to the message after it has been sent. This message is
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may be unlawful. If you have received this email in error please notify
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Good afternoon
Thank you for your further enquiry, there has been a slight delay due to
an update to the National Guidance on Convictions plus some operational
challenges across the broader licensing policy work.
We are expecting that the draft will be released in Jan 2025 for
Kind Regards
Tony Ireland
Head of Public Protection
Good afternoon
Thank you for your further enquiry, there has been a slight delay due to
an update to the National Guidance on Convictions plus some operational
challenges across the broader licensing policy work.
We are expecting that the draft will be released in Jan 2025 for
Kind Regards
Tony Ireland
Head of Public Protection
Good afternoon
Thank you for your further enquiry, there has been a slight delay due to
an update to the National Guidance on Convictions plus some operational
challenges across the broader licensing policy work.
We are expecting that the draft will be released in Jan 2025 for
Kind Regards
Tony Ireland
Head of Public Protection
Good afternoon
Thank you for your further enquiry, there has been a slight delay due to
an update to the National Guidance on Convictions plus some operational
challenges across the broader licensing policy work.
We are expecting that the draft will be released in Jan 2025 for
Kind Regards
Tony Ireland
Head of Public Protection
Dear Luton Borough Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Luton Borough Council's handling of my FOI request 'Taxi and private hire complaints'.
The response received is not satisfactory and I am requesting that the information requested is provided. If someone other than Tony Ireland could now complete this request it would be greatly appreciated. Requests of this nature are completed by other authorities with no issues and this does reflect on how your taxi licensing department is run.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Peter Mead
Thank you for contacting Luton Council’s Freedom of Information team. We
confirm receipt of your request and will contact you in due course.
If you are contacting us about a request you have already made, please
ensure you have included the reference number, and please email again if
you have not included this.
Note, this email address is for Freedom of Information requests only. If
your email is for anything else, we will not be able to assist so please
re-direct your request accordingly. You can see our website
at [1]
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Re: Our Ref: LU18861 – Internal Review - Acknowledgement
Dear Peter Mead
Thank you for your recent communication. We are treating this as a
request for an internal review of LU17923 under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000.
We will aim to respond by 23/01/2025 which is 20 working days from the day
after we received your recent correspondence.
Should you have any queries or concerns about how your internal review is
being handled, please do not hesitate to contact us, quoting the above
reference, by emailing us at [Luton Borough Council request email] or
writing to us at the above address.
Unsolicited Marketing
Please note that under the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC
Directive) Regulations 2003 Luton Council asks not to receive unsolicited
marketing communications.
Yours sincerely,
Complaints and Information Compliance Team
IMPORTANT: Luton Borough Council routinely monitors the content of e-mail
sent and received by its e-mail systems, to ensure compliance with its
policies and procedures. Messages that breach policy or pose a threat may
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Good Afternoon
I apologies for the delay in responding. I note that there appears to be
a fault with the WDTK website as the response to the last request seems to
have been applied to all pending requests. the response was only to one of
with regards to this particular request, the complaints information goes
back as far as Jan 2020 as the council started to use the new Caseworker
system. For the period 2020 until the current day there has been 13
complaints for the licensing service with specific reference to Taxi/
Hackney Carriage or Private Hire.
Of the 13 complaints, 7 related to Knowledge tests as follows
2 x cancellations – customer offered new date
2 x change of date – new date offered
2 x new booking – new date offered
1 x decision – decision reviewed
5 related to applications
3 x awaiting customer response – information sent again
1 x awaiting decision – advised on period of time for determination
1 x immigration requirements – advised of the correct visa provsions
I hope this assists
Tony Ireland
Head of Public Protection
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