Tax Credit overpayment statistics

The request was partially successful.

Dear HM Revenue and Customs,

As per the Freedom Of Information Act, I would like to request details of the following for the last three years that you have statistics for:

1. The total number of overpaid Tax Credit awards;
2. The percentage of awards that resulted in overpayment against the number of claims made;
3. The average amount that claimant(s) were overpaid by;
4. The national total of overpayments (£'s) in the year;
5. The number of appeals lodged by claimants against alleged overpayments;
6. The success rate for appeals resulting in overpayments being reduced or completely written off;
7. The number of overpayments that were either reduced or written off as a result of the claimant(s) having met all their responsibilities;
8. The number of reduced or written off overpayments as a result of both HMRC and the claimant(s) having met all their respective responsibilities;
9. The minimum, maximum and average time allowed for claimants to repay overpaid tax credits;
10. The estimated cost to HMRC for reclaiming overpayments that were subsequently reduced or written off.

I look forward to a response in due course.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Davis

HM Revenue and Customs

FOI 1919/13


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on to a more appropriate part of the Department for answer. 



Freedom of Information Team



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HM Revenue and Customs

1 Attachment

FOI 1919/13

Mr Davis

Please find the response to your Freedom of Information request attached.


Freedom of Information Team.

<<FOI Davis.pdf>>

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Dear HM Revenue and Customs,

According to your reply, when staff costs of £25 an hour are taken into account, the £600 cost ceiling would be met within 24 working hours (which equates to three working days when working eight hours a day)

As such, I am happy to accept figures for the last available year only, as opposed to the last three years as per my original request. This will effectively reduce the time and cost for providing the information by two thirds.

In my opinion, three working days should be sufficient enough time to provide figures for the last available year that you have for them.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Davis

HM Revenue and Customs

FOI 1973/13

Thank you for your communication of 17 June 2013 which has been passed
to HMRC's Freedom of Information Team.

We have allocated the above reference which you should quote if you need
to contact us.

The Team will arrange for a reply to be sent to you which will either
comply with HMRC's obligations under Freedom of Information Act or, if
we think it's an enquiry that we don't need to address under the terms
of the Act, let you know why. If it is the latter we will, if possible,
pass it on to a more appropriate part of the Department for answer.

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HM Revenue and Customs

1 Attachment

Please find attached the response to your request made under the Freedom
of Information Act 2000.
<<FOI 1973-13 Response.pdf>>

Thank you

Tony High
HMRC Freedom of Information Act Team
Room 1C/23
100 Parliament Street

fax: 020 7147 0666
[email address]

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The Commissioners for HM Revenue and Customs are not liable for any personal views of the sender.

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J Roberts left an annotation ()

Child and Working Tax Credits statistics: finalised annual awards, supplement on payments – 2020 to 2021

Published 13 October 2022

'The Child and Working Tax Credits statistics on the supplement on payments from the finalised annual awards of 2020 to 2021 consists of a series of tables showing whether people were overpaid, underpaid or paid the entitled amount of Child Tax Credit and/or Working Tax Credit, based upon what we now know about any changes in their circumstances in 2020 to 2021. The tables show a time series of payments (overpaid, underpaid or paid the entitled amount) as well as a breakdown of type of tax credits overpaid or underpaid. A breakdown is also shown by whether the recipients of the payments were single or in a couple.'