Tax Avoidance:Written question - 152724 - extensive investigations
Dear HM Revenue and Customs,
With reference to "Tax Avoidance:Written question - 152724" found here
Stride's answer says "HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) continues to challenge avoidance schemes that are declared, and carries out extensive investigation work to track down those that are not."
1) Can you please give me information on how many schemes that were not declared have been found by HMRC's extensive investigation work?
2) Please provide a breakdown of how many schemes that were not declared have been found by HMRC's extensive investigation work in each of the years 2000 to 2018.
3) If you cannot provide me with the information I requested in 1) and/or 2) for reasons of time and/or cost, please provide me with the information given to the Treasury to allow them to state HMRC "HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) continues to challenge avoidance schemes that are declared, and carries out extensive investigation work to track down those that are not."
4) Can you tell me which HMRC department estimated that 50,000 individuals will be affected by the 2019 Loan Charge?
Yours faithfully,
Chris Sawyer
Our ref: FOI2018/01304
Dear Chris Sawyer,
Freedom of Information Act 2000 Acknowledgement
Thank you for your communication of 22nd June which has been passed to
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HMRC Freedom of Information Act Team
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