Dear National Archives of Scotland,
Please provide me with an electronic copy of every photograph held as part of your Scottish Register of Tartans in the highest possible resolution.
Yours faithfully,
Steve Elibank
Dear Mr Elibank,
The National Archives of Scotland (NAS)* has a range of technical solutions and business procedures in place to manage its information security effectively. Comprehensive IT infrastructure security is in place to manage securely NAS' IT systems, network environments and information assets. In regard to information stored on laptops and memory sticks, a range of appropriate security measures are in place to protect the integrity of information stored on these devices: for laptops, BIOS level software protection is applied; for memory sticks, encrypted devices are used - in the event of a password being incorrectly entered on three occasions, the contents of the memory stick are erased.
The member of staff responsible for IT Security in NAS is Keith Dargie, Head of ICT.
* The National Archives of Scotland merged with the General Register Office for Scotland on 1st April 2011 to form a new organisation, National Records of Scotland. As part of the amalgamation of the IT systems to meet the needs of the new organisation, a review of IT security systems and procedures will be undertaken as part of the overall merger programme.
If you have any complaints regarding your Freedom of Information request please write in the first instance to me by email at [email address] or [National Archives of Scotland request email]. If this fails to resolve the matter to your complete satisfaction you have the right to apply to the Scottish Information Commissioner for a decision.
Kind regards
Catherine Dowe
Assistant Business Manager
National Records of Scotland
General Register House
2 Princes Street
Tel: 0131 535 1311
Email: [email address]
Dear Ms Dowe,
You seem to have sent me the response to someone else's FOI request?
Yours sincerely,
Steve Elibank
Dear Mr Elibank,
Many apologies I have indeed sent you the wrong reply! We will reply to your FoI request about the Tartan Register in due course.
Once again I apologise for the inconvenience.
Catherine Dowe
Dear Mr Elibank
Thank you for your Freedom of Information enquiry which we received on 21st April 2011.
The information requested may be accessed via the Scottish Register of Tartans website:
In reference to the legislation, this means that this information is exempt under section 25 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act, 2002, Information otherwise accessible.
If you have any complaints regarding your Freedom of Information request please write in the first instance to me by email at [email address] or [National Archives of Scotland request email]. If this fails to resolve the matter to your complete satisfaction you have the right to reply to the Scottish Information Commissioner for a decision.
Yours sincerely,
Jenny Cutts
Business Manager
National Records of Scotland
Dear Ms Cutts,
Just to clarify, you are telling me that you do not hold the photographs in any higher resolution than that displayed on the website?
Yours sincerely,
Steve Elibank
Dear Mr Elibank
Thank you for your enquiry. In answer to your question we do not hold any photographs of the Register of Tartan entries. The images included on the Register are computer generated designs created by software, based on the threadcount and colour palette information contained in the Register of Tartans database. In actual fact, these images are generated live each time a Register entry is accessed in order to reflect any updates or changes to the design data. For this reason we do not hold a set of the computer generated design images, and there are no higher resolution versions.
I hope this information is useful to you.
Yours sincerely
Jenny Cutts
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