Tablet Press The prescribing newsletter for GPs, nurses and pharmacists
Dear NHS Nene Clinical Commissioning Group,
I wish to obtain the archives copies of the Tablet Press The prescribing newsletter for GPs, nurses and pharmacists as far back as NHS Nene Clinical Commissioning Group produced
For example you released
Recurrent UTI in Adults March 2017 at
Uncomplicated Lower Urinary Tract Infection in adults March 2017 at
They state "is also available on PathfinderRF http://nww.pathfinder-rf.northants.nhs.u...
They are not
And I found Issues 85 to 88 January 2014
but nothing preissue 85 or post issue 88
they stated "Pathfinder RF website Further to the notification in last month’s Tablet Press that Prescribing and Medicines Management advice is available...via the following link"
They are not
I require all the issues
Yours faithfully,
Linda saunders
Dear Ms Saunders,
I am writing to formally acknowledge your request for information
regarding Tablet Press issues which will be processed under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. I can confirm your request was received on 11 May
2018 by NHS NEL Commissioning Support Unit (NEL CSU) on behalf of the
Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) listed below. The references for your
requests are shown alongside.
NHS Nene CCG FOI.18.NEN031
An initial investigation is currently taking place into whether the
information you have requested is held by the CCGs and if so, whether it
can be released in accordance with the legislation.
Any fees applicable to this request will be detailed in writing as soon as
they can be determined. Your request will then be placed on hold and you
will have the choice of whether to proceed with your request. Should any
clarification of your request be required we will advise you accordingly.
If you require any assistance, or would like to discuss your request,
please do not hesitate to contact us quoting the reference number above.
Kind regards,
Kimberley Swift
FOI Manager
[1][email address]
020 3049 5689 / 07884 051271
1 Lower Marsh, 3^rd Floor
Waterloo, London SE1 7NT
Dear Ms Saunders,
I am emailing regarding your recent Freedom of Information request below
on behalf of NHS Nene CCG. The CCG has asked us to confirm whether you
require copies of archive Tablet Press issues. The CCG has advised that
all issues dating back to April 2016 are available online, and this will
be detailed in the final response to your request. However, issues are
routinely removed from the website after two years, as they are no longer
I would be grateful if you could kindly confirm whether you definitely
require copies of issues prior to April 2016.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Kimberley Swift
FOI Manager
[email address]
020 3049 5689 / 07884 051271
1 Lower Marsh, 3^rd Floor
Waterloo, London SE1 7NT
Dear Foi (NHS NEL CSU),
thanks for your message
Yes please supply all the issues
Yours sincerely,
Linda saunders
Dear Ms Saunders,
Please find attached the response to your recent Freedom of Information
request on behalf of NHS Nene Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG),
reference FOI.18.NEN031.
Kind regards,
Kimberley Swift
FOI Manager
[email address]
020 3049 5689 / 07884 051271
1 Lower Marsh, 3^rd Floor
Waterloo, London SE1 7NT
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