Supported living provider request
Dear Breckland District Council,
Please can I request the full list of supported living providers that are contracted with your council.
This includes providers who care for adults & children for both learning disabilities/autism and mental health needs.
Can I have:
Name of provider
Name of contact (point of contact)
Phone Number
If they provide you services for adults, children or both
Current spend with the provider.
Can you also confirm your framework rates for both children and adults
If possible, can I request this in an excel sheet?
I would also like to request a comprehensive list of all of your current housing providers in relation to supported living for both adults and children.
Can I have:
Name of provider
Name of contact (point of contact)
Phone Number
If possible, can I request this in an excel sheet also?
Yours faithfully,
Hamid Abdallah
Please take this as confirmation that your FOI has been received.
To be able to answer your question please advise if you mean hostel type
supported accommodation or specific accommodation provided for special
needs/age related vulnerabilities?
We will provide our response within 20 working days of receipt.
Kind regards,
Information Governance Team
Breckland Council
Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 1EE
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We have received a duplication of your FOI request.
Please note ref 14577 will be closed.
Ref 14556 has been acknowledged and we need clairfcation on part of your
request for 14566 “To be able to answer your question please advise if you
mean hostel type supported accommodation or specific accommodation
provided for special needs/age related vulnerabilities?”
Kind regards,
Information Governance Team
Breckland Council
Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham, Norfolk, NR19 1EE
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The information contained in this email is confidential and intended only
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