Supported living provider request

Hamid Abdallah made this Freedom of Information request to Gosport Borough Council as part of a batch sent to 74 authorities Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

Gosport Borough Council did not have the information requested.

Dear Gosport Borough Council,

Please can I request the full list of supported living providers that are contracted with your council.

This includes providers who care for adults & children for both learning disabilities/autism and mental health needs.

Can I have:

Name of provider
Name of contact (point of contact)
Phone Number
If they provide you services for adults, children or both
Current spend with the provider.
Can you also confirm your framework rates for both children and adults

If possible, can I request this in an excel sheet?

I would also like to request a comprehensive list of all of your current housing providers in relation to supported living for both adults and children.

Can I have:

Name of provider
Name of contact (point of contact)
Phone Number

If possible, can I request this in an excel sheet also?

Yours faithfully,

Hamid Abdallah

FOI Enquiries, Gosport Borough Council

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FOI Enquiries, Gosport Borough Council

Good afternoon


Supported living is not a function of Gosport Borough Council. Please
redirect your enquiry to Hampshire County Council.




|FOI Team

Legal & Democratic Services | Town Hall | Gosport | Hampshire | PO12 1EB |




From: Hamid Abdallah <[FOI #1132787 email]>
Sent: 21 May 2024 12:16
To: FOI Enquiries <[email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Supported living provider


Dear Gosport Borough Council,

Please can I request the full list of supported living providers that are
contracted with your council.

This includes providers who care for adults & children for both learning
disabilities/autism and mental health needs.

Can I have:

Name of provider
Name of contact (point of contact)
Phone Number
If they provide you services for adults, children or both
Current spend with the provider.
Can you also confirm your framework rates for both children and adults

If possible, can I request this in an excel sheet?

I would also like to request a comprehensive list of all of your current
housing providers in relation to supported living for both adults and

Can I have:

Name of provider
Name of contact (point of contact)
Phone Number

If possible, can I request this in an excel sheet also?

Yours faithfully,

Hamid Abdallah


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If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
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