Supported Discharge
Dear Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council,
The local authority employs Social Workers working out of local hospitals to facilitate safe discharge. This support may take the form of a care package or personal budget.
In the year 2009-2010 how many people were provided with social work support on leaving hospital?
Furthermore can you please provide a general breakdown of the primary health condition necessitating the support. For example an individual admitted with a broken hip may need home carers to assist with personal care on discharge.
How many people received intermediate care or reablement services (short term support on leaving hospital)?
How much was spent on care packages for people leaving hospital as part of their discharge arrangements?
How many people received a social work needs assessment whilst an inpatient?
How many qualified social workers working within hospitals does the local authority employ?
Thank you for your assistance in this matter. All information is gratefully received.
Yours faithfully,
Mr M Jones
FOI request - Ref FOI/11/012
I wish to acknowledge receipt of your request for information.
I have asked the relevant officers of the Authority to commence enquiries
immediately to find all applicable information relating to your request
under the FOI Act and to supply any which is found to me.
Your request has to be processed within a maximum of 20 working days,
which means the Council must provide you with the information it has
(assuming no exemptions are claimed) by 03.02.2011. If it is possible to
provide you with the information within a shorter timescale then that will
be done.
Should you have any queries about this matter please don’t hesitate to
contact me.
Information Officer
Mark Jones FOI requests at Redcar & Cleveland Borough
<[FOI #56968 email]> To Council
<[Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council request email]>
05/01/2011 23:50 cc
Subject Freedom of Information request - Supported
Dear Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council,
The local authority employs Social Workers working out of local
hospitals to facilitate safe discharge. This support may take the
form of a care package or personal budget.
In the year 2009-2010 how many people were provided with social
work support on leaving hospital?
Furthermore can you please provide a general breakdown of the
primary health condition necessitating the support. For example an
individual admitted with a broken hip may need home carers to
assist with personal care on discharge.
How many people received intermediate care or reablement services
(short term support on leaving hospital)?
How much was spent on care packages for people leaving hospital as
part of their discharge arrangements?
How many people received a social work needs assessment whilst an
How many qualified social workers working within hospitals does the
local authority employ?
Thank you for your assistance in this matter. All information is
gratefully received.
Yours faithfully,
Mr M Jones
Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be
published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #56968 email]
Is [Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council request email] the wrong address
for Freedom of Information requests to Redcar & Cleveland Borough
Council? If so please contact us using this form:
If you find WhatDoTheyKnow useful as an FOI officer, please ask
your web manager to suggest us on your organisation's FOI page.
FOI 11/012
Further to the acknowledgement of your request, I have received a response
from the Acting Director of Adult and Children's Services and I can
confirm we do hold some of the information.
You asked:
In the year 2009-2010 how many people were provided with
work support on leaving hospital?
Answer: 373
Furthermore can you please provide a general breakdown of the
primary health condition necessitating the support. For example an
individual admitted with a broken hip may need home carers to
assist with personal care on discharge.
Answer: I am refusing this question as it would require the
scrutiny of each individual case file and this would exceed the time/cost
limits of 18 hours/£350 prescribed by the Freedom of Information
legislation ( Section 12 exemption)
How many people received intermediate care or reablement services(short
term support on leaving hospital)?
Answer: 221
How much was spent on care packages for people leaving
hospital as
part of their discharge arrangements?
Answer: I am refusing this question as it would require the
scrutiny of each individual case file and this would exceed the
time/cost limits of 18 hours/£350 prescribed by the Freedom of Information
legislation ( Section 12 exemption)
How many people received a social work needs assessment whilst an
Answer: 408
How many qualified social workers working within hospitals does the
local authority employ?
Answer: SSD employ 16 staff health employ 7 the hospice
employs 1 sw
I trust that this satisfies your request for information. If you are not
satisfied with how your request has been dealt with then you are free to
make a complaint either to the Council, in order to ask for a review, or
to the Information Commissioner. You will find details of the complaints
procedure on the Council's Website at
The Information Commissioner is an independent person who has
responsibility for overseeing the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom
of Information Act 2000. More details can be obtained from the Information
Commissioner’s website at .
Yours sincerely
FOI Officer
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